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Custom-made furniture for a children's room: ideas and tips

Custom-made furniture for a children's room: ideas and tips

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Furniture for a children’s room for a preschooler or teenager can be assembled from ready-made modules, but many parents prefer to wait a little and get beds, cabinets and tables made according to individual sketches.

Premium custom children’s furniture It is more expensive than one bought in a store, but it has many advantages: parents and children receive exclusive items that fully comply with the wishes of the children and the needs of the growing body.

The advantages of manufacturing children’s furniture according to individual sketches include:

  • The choice of materials is at the discretion of the client. Furniture compositions for children’s rooms can be made of natural wood, chipboard or MDF.
  • Unique design. You can take a standard project as a basis, to which changes are made at the request of the client. Another option is that the furniture is made according to a unique design.
  • A large number of color options. The catalogs present designer furniture from the manufacturer in a large number of shades and textures.
  • The opportunity to see in advance what a room furnished with furniture will look like. For this, 3D visualization technology is used.
  • Attention to detail. The best workshops where Italian furniture is made maintain quality at a high level because they value their reputation.
  • Custom sizes. The dimensions of children’s rooms vary, but one room can be designed for one, two or more children. When ordering furniture according to your own sketches from scratch, you can take this into account. When purchasing in a store, the client deals with standard sizes that cannot be changed by a few centimeters.

Functionality is another advantage of designer furniture. Before ordering, it is possible to discuss how many shelves, sections, drawers are required, what height and width the bed should be, how many children will use the workplace, on which side the children’s room window is located in relation to the cardinal directions. All this and much more can be taken into account only when ordering furniture. Purchasing ready-made mass-produced modules does not provide this opportunity.

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