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December 21 – Potapia Day and Anfisa Day

December 21 – Potapia Day and Anfisa Day

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Potap, Anfisa the needlewoman, Anfisa — this is also what people called this day.

The main activity of the day was needlework. Of course, girls did it. The girls spun on Potapia Day because it was necessary to prepare a dowry for the wedding. Holes in clothing, which were placed on the hem, sleeves, and collar, also served as protection — it was believed that then the demons would not reach the person. Diamonds were often embroidered on ritual clothing, as these were symbols of fertility, which could also mean earth, woman, or plants. Ancestors believed in signs that such an ornament would bring happiness to the house.

The embroidery itself also had magical powers, and therefore various words and symbols were often encrypted in it. Traditional embroidery also includes images of birds and animals, which is also associated with folk beliefs and attempts to protect against the evil eye.

In the church they honored the memory of Anfisa of Rome, who suffered for her faith during the persecution organized against Christians in the 5th century. The legend says that she was baptized by Ambrose of Milan, whose memory is honored on December 20. One day, the mayor’s wife invited Anfisa to accept Arian baptism, which believed that Jesus and God the Father did not exist. Anfisa refused to do this, for which she was burned at the stake.

Signs of the day:

  • Quiet and frosty day — winter will be mild and snowy.
  • Tits are looking for shelter — wait for a snowstorm.
  • If a person was born on the day of Potapia, December 21, then he will be taciturn and friendly.
  • He is recommended to wear agate as a talisman.
  • The blizzard has begun — there will be a lot of precipitation in the summer.
  • Snowfall foreshadows a rainy summer.
  • Tits have been chirping since the morning — a sign that frost will strike at night.
  • If on December 21st birds are hiding under the roof, there will be a blizzard.
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Name days are celebrated today: Kirill, Anfisa.

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