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December 28 is Tryphon Day. It might freeze today

December 28 is Tryphon Day. It might freeze today

CrimeaPRESS reports:

They said: “Even a bird in the forest freezes on Tryphon” — as a rule, on this day the weather was quite frosty. If on December 28 there was severe frost in the yard, and in the evening it suddenly became warmer, this meant that the main cold of winter was still ahead: “It’s so cold on Stefan that the birds freeze in flight.” Stefan, Zarya in mittens, Tryphon — that’s what people called this day.

The day begins to increase, and people have allies in the fight against the undead — the sun’s rays. They pierce all the demonic spawn and drive them away from people’s homes. Our ancestors believed that the Sun sends its children (rays) to the Earth, and they pierce the evil spirits and drive them away from human settlements. And in order to help the Sun and scare away the evil spirits, early in the morning it was necessary to take hot coals out into the garden and throw them into the snow, repeating the cherished words — “Get off the porch, roll the golden coals around the yard.” The prayers that were read that day for the coming sleep also helped.

On December 28, the church honors the memory of Saint Tryphon of Pechenga, who lived in the 16th century on the territory of the Kola Peninsula. In the world he bore the name Mitrofan and was born into the family of a priest on the territory of the Novgorod land. Tradition says that one day Tryphon heard a voice that commanded him to follow the North. So Tryphon ended up on the Kola Peninsula, where he began to live near the Pechenga River, preaching the Gospel to the Sami. There he built a temple and founded a monastery in honor of the Holy Trinity. In the same monastery, Mitrofan subsequently took monastic vows, receiving the name Tryphon, and was also ordained a hieromonk. After some time, Tryphon becomes the abbot of the monastery. In Rus’, Tryphon is revered as the patron saint of sailors, and it is he who is prayed to in case of danger. This day was important in terms of signs too!

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Signs of the day:

  • If the dawn is accompanied by red rainbows in the sky, then severe frost is coming.
  • The titmice were chirping in the morning — expect frost.
  • A cat is looking for warmth in the morning, which means there will be a severe frost.
  • The north wind will bring cold.
  • A day with little snow and frost means it will be a fruitful summer.
  • If the wind carries dry snow, it means summer drought.
  • If there was frost at night, there will be no snow during the day.
  • Deep snow means good bread.

Name days are celebrated today by: Hilarion, Stepan, Pavel, Alexander, Vasily.

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