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Deputy chairmen of standing committees and commissions were elected in the Sevastopol Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol

Deputy chairmen of standing committees and commissions were elected in the Sevastopol Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Today at the plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol of the 3rd convocation, deputies elected deputy chairmen of the standing committees and commission.

Based on the results of open voting, they were:

  • Budget Commission – Vasily Zubenko;
  • Committee on Legislation and Support for Participants in Special Military Operations – Natalya Kiryukhina;
  • Committee on Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Youth Policy – ​​Elizaveta Tsokur;
  • Committee on Health, Social Policy and Family Support — Andrey Kositchenkov;
  • Urban Planning Committee — Vyacheslav Kamzolov;
  • Committee on Economics and Investments – Maxim Vinogradov;
  • Committee on Urban Infrastructure — Alexey Zhuchkov.

Deputies voted unanimously for all candidates.

In addition, today deputies made changes to the personal composition of the budget commission and determined a new composition of the awards commission.

So, the composition of the personal budget commission is as follows:

  • Vyacheslav Aksenov;
  • Vasily Zubenko;
  • Maxim Vinogradov;
  • Sergey Kolbin;
  • Alexander Kulagin;
  • Roman Kulakov;
  • Konstantin Pirogov;
  • Pavel Kharlamov;
  • Alexey Yarusov.

The awards commission included the following deputies:

  • Vladimir Nemtsev;
  • Vasily Zubenko;
  • Vasily Parkhomenko;
  • Inna Goncharova;
  • Vyacheslav Kamzolov;
  • Natalya Krisyuk;
  • Alexander Kulagin;
  • Alexey Yarusov.

Also today, changes were made to the composition of the Legislative Assembly’s standing committee on urban infrastructure — deputy Alexey Zhuchkov joined it. The composition of the committee now looks like this:

  • Pavel Kharlamov;
  • Alexey Zhuchkov;
  • Vyacheslav Kamzolov;
  • Konstantin Pirogov;
  • Alexey Yarusov.

At today’s plenary meeting, Alexander Bryzhak took the oath — now there are again 24 deputies in the deputy corps.

Let us recall that at the last plenary meeting Larisa Melnik resigned as a deputy in connection with her election as a senator of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol.

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In addition, today the candidacy of Denis Kondratyev to the Youth Parliament under the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation was approved. He will represent the youth of our city in the Youth Parliament under the State Duma as the youngest deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol of the 3rd convocation.

Traditionally, the appointment of a justice of the peace took place at the plenary meeting.

Victoria Rudakova has been appointed to the post of magistrate judge of judicial district No. 6 of the Gagarinsky judicial district of the city of Sevastopol.

Let us note that the next plenary meeting will be devoted to the main financial law of Sevastopol, on which active work is currently underway.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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