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Deputy Minister of Industry of Crimea Irina Mezavtsova: we will not allow speculating on necessary food products

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On-site checks, monitoring of food prices in shops, markets, and outlets of Crimea are carried out regularly and continuously. Irina Mezavtsova, Deputy Minister of Industrial Policy of the Republic of Crimea, clarified that after the planned raid on the regions, repeated checks on the topic “how the work on the bugs was done” follow.

Замглавы минпрома Крыма Ирина Мезавцова: не позволим спекулировать на необходимых продуктах питания

A recent repeated raid into the villages of the Simferopol region (Trudovoye, Mazanka, Donskoye) showed that there are a number of positive changes, in particular, the recommended prices are maintained for almost the entire grocery group.

However, there is still a problematic issue of vegetables at inflated prices in small brick-and-mortar stores, — noted Irina Mezovtsova.

Замглавы минпрома Крыма Ирина Мезавцова: не позволим спекулировать на необходимых продуктах питания

She is sure that the range of vegetables in the Crimea is sufficient. Wholesale prices are reasonable.

We will not allow speculation on essential foodstuffs. We continue the work. I’m waiting for messages and information where we should go first of all , — she wrote on her Замглавы минпрома Крыма Ирина Мезавцова: не позволим спекулировать на необходимых продуктах питания page on VKontakte Deputy Minister.

Замглавы минпрома Крыма Ирина Мезавцова: не позволим спекулировать на необходимых продуктах питания

According to her, there are results from such raids and “targeted” work with entrepreneurs. Confirmation — repeated trips to the Bakhchisaray and Chernomorsky regions.

The situation in a number of stores has changed for the better. There are more products at recommended prices. There are a number of comments on the Krasnomaksky rural settlement — especially on the vegetable group, the prices for potatoes are too high. As for the city of Bakhchisaray, it is necessary to get more actively involved in the work of the local administration. In all visited shopping facilities, we recorded an excess of prices recommended by the Ministry of Industry. Also, when examining the NTO on Lake Mangup, non-stationary retail facilities were identified that are located outside the scheme and are subject to dismantling , commented Mezavtsova.

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She appealed to local administrations to continue to monitor and personally visit retail outlets. There is still a lot of work “at prices” in Crimea.

327360Photo: VK page of I. Mezavtsova.

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