Digitalization and IT technologies are the main topic of the All-Russian conference “Real Estate of Crimea: reality and prospects”
CrimeaPRESS reports:
Let us remind you that the All-Russian conference “Real Estate of Crimea: reality and prospects” will take place at the end of September, we will tell you about the event in detail Here. The event is taking place for the third year in a row. One of the features of the announced conference is that its main topic is consonant with a pressing issue that is being actively addressed throughout the country. We are talking about IT technologies and the active implementation of digital platforms both at the state level and at the level of private business.
The other day, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin emphasized that no industry can do without specialized software products, and the presence of its own electronic platforms in key sectors and government, as well as a modern domestic telecommunications infrastructure are necessary to achieve breakthrough results and ensure the country’s security:
To resolve these issues, the government will concentrate efforts within the framework of a new national project to create a data economy, which we will launch on behalf of the president— quotes Mikhail Mishustin TASS.
It is noted that the national project “Data Economy” provides for the creation of an infrastructure for computing and storing data using domestic equipment, technologies and software, including cloud platforms, data centers and computing power. And it will replace the Digital Economy project, which expires in 2024.
According to Mikhail Mishustin, the new program assumes an integrated approach to stimulating production and introducing advanced developments. We are talking about training personnel for the field and conducting research, including the production and testing of pilot samples. The state also intends to stimulate demand for products and services related to IT technologies and digital platforms.
Moreover, there is talk of an increase — at least 2 times — in the volume of investment in Russian IT solutions.
All these aspects will be taken into account in the new national projectnotes Mikhail Mishustin.
The organizing committee of the All-Russian conference “Real Estate of Crimea: reality and prospects”, determining the importance of the chosen main topic of the event, in turn, says:
Why have we taken such an emphasis this year and are dedicating the conference to this issue: because on the mainland the topic of widespread digitalization is moving like a “locomotive”. The introduction of IT technologies, the development and creation of digital platforms are processes that have affected almost all areas of the real estate market. And this includes construction, banks, insurance, management, and real estate services.
And housing and communal services too! By the way, we will also actively raise issues in this area at the conference this year. This is due to the position of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. Because they are clearly following the government program for introducing digitalization into their industry.
I can say that on the mainland this is already working. But here in Crimea there is some lag in the perception of the need for these processes. But they are inevitable! Therefore, we consider it our task, as the organizers of the conference, to reveal this topic as much as possible. On a practical level, first of all. The main point in all of this is that these processes must be transparent, understandable and accessible“, states the chairman of the organizing committee of the All-Russian conference “Real Estate of Crimea: reality and prospects” Ruslan Marinutsa.
“Digitalization is being introduced into our lives quickly and regardless of our attitude towards it,” commented the main theme of the conference (and it literally sounds like “Artificial Intelligence and IT technologies in the real estate market — “Implementation cannot be ignored” — where should I put a comma?”) one of the main speakers of the event and co-chairman of its Organizing Committee, President of the International Association of Investment Funds (IAIF), Vice-President of the National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction (NAMIX), Chairman of the Energy Saving Section of the Expert Council on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services of the State Duma Valery Kazeikin:
The President signed the Decree “On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036,” where the red line is the task of “digital transformation of state and municipal government, the economy and the social sphere.” The construction industry is already actively implementing Russian software, which has replaced imported ones, and developing new digital programs that can qualitatively improve processes in the design, construction, management and implementation market.
By the way, the conference will not only include theoretical discussions of the topic. During the three-day exhibition, specific products related to IT technologies and digital platforms will be presented. For implementation in all areas of the real estate market.
They note the importance of the topic chosen as the general theme for the conference “Real Estate of Crimea: Reality and Prospects” in the State Duma of the Russian Federation:
Artificial intelligence and IT technologies are increasingly being used in all sectors of the state’s economy. The real estate industry is no exception. Software developments for the construction sector, for banking systems, for information platforms are actively being introduced into our lives. Conference on the topic “artificial intelligence and IT technologies in the real estate market — “Implementation cannot be ignored” — where to put a comma?” — a very timely event necessary to inform market participants about ongoing changes and increase the level of competence.
Participation in the conference is an excellent opportunity to receive information about innovations in legislation in the field of land, housing, investment and other relations, recommendations from leading experts on project development strategies and solving current issues of the Crimean real estate market, — said Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Demin in his welcoming speech addressed to the participants of the event.
IMPORTANT: The All-Russian conference “Real Estate of Crimea: reality and prospects” will take place on September 19-21, 2024. Registration of participants is already actively underway. You can register to participate on the official website of the event:
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