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Disabled children of dead participants in a special military operation want to guarantee a second pension

Disabled children of dead participants in a special military operation want to guarantee a second pension

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Disabled children and those disabled since childhood, regardless of the disability group, who have lost their breadwinner who participated in a special military operation, are offered to pay two pensions. This suggests a draft law that Yaroslav Nilov, the head of the State Duma Committee on Social Policy, sent to the Government for conclusion. A copy of the document is in «Parliamentary newspaper». We learned how the law protects family members of NWO participants.

Additional care — additional costs

Now, according to the pension legislation, people who have the right to simultaneously receive pensions of different types can choose only one. Only certain categories of beneficiaries can receive two pensions at once, for example, participants in the Great Patriotic War, disabled people due to military trauma, disabled family members of Chernobyl victims, and family members of dead cosmonauts.

Disabled children who have lost their breadwinner and are thus entitled to two different types of pensions receive one of the most advantageous in terms of size. This was considered unfair in the Duma faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, where they developed a bill allowing orphaned children of SVO participants to receive two pensions. The corresponding draft law was sent to the cabinet for conclusion by the deputy head of the faction, the head of the State Duma Committee on Social Policy and a member of the parliamentary working group on NVO, Yaroslav Nilov. A copy of the document is in the «Parliamentary newspaper».

Recently, Russian legislation, including pension legislation, has been supplemented with provisions that provide preferences in the form of the right to a second pension to family members of the dead participants in a special military operation — parents and widows, the deputy recalled.

It seems that children with disabilities and disabled since childhood, whose breadwinner died or died in connection with participation in SVO, should also be entitled to a similar benefit, taking into account the special need of such children in the social support of statesAh, Nilov is sure.

The purpose of assigning a second survivor’s pension — insurance or state pension provision — to children with disabilities who require additional care and additional costs, is to reimburse the state for part of the maintenance that was provided by the breadwinner who died under the SVO, and provide them with the maximum possible social protection, which is especially relevant in modern conditions, the explanatory note to the bill says.

The authors of the initiative expect that it will be considered in the autumn Duma session. In this case, the law could come into force on January 1, 2024.

Talk about benefits

Recall that, according to the norms that are already in force, all participants in the NWO receive the status of a combat veteran, which allows them to enjoy numerous benefits and support measures. In particular, they do not pay property tax and personal income tax, have land tax benefits, pay housing and communal services at a discount, can go on vacation at any time, travel for free or at a discount on different modes of transport. A number of preferences are established by regional authorities.

In the spring session, parliamentarians adopted a law on maintaining an increased amount of pensions for servicemen who have already become military pensioners, but after that they were mobilized or decided to participate in a special operation voluntarily. The new rules allow those dismissed from military service, whose pension payment was suspended for the duration of their participation in hostilities, to calculate it based on the salary that is higher at the time of dismissal, explained Andrei Kartapolov, head of the State Duma Defense Committee.

For mobilized and volunteers who went to the NWO, having the main job, they are required to keep a place until they return. If a fighter was injured that made him disabled, then he must be retrained free of charge in a specialty in which he can work. Participants of the special operation can consult lawyers for free. They are exempt from state duties upon receipt or replacement of documents.

You can find out about all the required benefits by contacting the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, whose branches are open in all regions.

Universities cleared fighters

SVO participants and their children can enter Russian universities free of charge, and those who are already studying at a commercial place must be transferred to the state budget. During the 2023 admission campaign, more than 6.6 thousand people were enrolled in universities according to the quota for participants in the special operation, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Valery Falkov said in an interview with Rossiya 1.

The Russians called up for mobilization, who applied for a loan before receiving the summons, can go on loan holidays. This right can also be exercised by members of their families, as well as those who are dependent on them. If a fighter dies or becomes disabled of group I, the bank will write off his debts. Separately, the law prescribed the repayment of a military mortgage for a dead soldier.

Family members of military personnel sent to the NVO zone and outside Russia may continue to use service housing at their former duty station. If the housing is rented, families will keep their rent compensation.

This is necessary in cases where the family of a serviceman, for objective reasons, cannot follow him to a new place.— Vyacheslav Volodin, speaker of the State Duma, explained earlier.

The Parliamentary Working Group on SVO constantly monitors the implementation of laws that protect fighters and their families, and collects feedback and proposals for new legislative initiatives. They will be discussed in the autumn Duma session.

source: «Government newspaper»

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