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Drawbridges, rivers and canals — amazing St. Petersburg, which is worth seeing

Drawbridges, rivers and canals — amazing St. Petersburg, which is worth seeing

CrimeaPRESS reports:

St. Petersburg is one of those cities in Russia that literally enchants. And St. Petersburg also amazes with its scale. First of all, with regard to special places that literally make up the portrait of this city. And today we’ll tell you about some of them, and why tourists should definitely see these wonders of magical St. Petersburg.

Drawbridges of St. Petersburg

Excursion to bridge lifting by boat — this is really one of the “tricks” of St. Petersburg, which attracts many tourists. This excursion is a unique opportunity to see how the famous St. Petersburg bridges are raised and enjoy the night atmosphere of the city from the water. Here are the main aspects of such an excursion:

Night time:

  • excursions usually start late in the evening and continue until the early morning, as the bridges are raised at night.

Route and bridges:

  • During the excursion, the ship passes under several major bridges, such as the Palace, Troitsky, Blagoveshchensky and Liteyny bridges. These bridges are considered one of the most beautiful and historically significant in the city.


  • The process of building bridges is accompanied by beautiful lighting and creates a stunning spectacle. This is one of the most romantic and picturesque moments that can be seen in St. Petersburg.

Guide’s comment:

  • professional guides tell interesting facts and stories about the bridges, their construction and significance for the city. You can also hear about the history of St. Petersburg and its water system.


  • A night excursion along rivers and canals allows you to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the city, see its night lights and reflections in the water.

Additional amenities:

  • ships often offer additional services such as a bar, restaurant, live music or audio guides in several languages.

How to choose an excursion to drawbridges

Company reputation:

  • choose companies with good reviews and reputation.

Departure time and duration:

  • Check the departure time and duration of the excursion to plan your evening. Tours usually last 2-3 hours.

Comfort on board:

  • Find out about the condition of the vessel, the availability of indoor and outdoor decks, comfortable seating, toilets and additional services.

Prices and reservations:

  • The cost of the excursion may vary depending on the company and comfort level. Book your tickets in advance, especially during high season, to guarantee your seat.

A starting point:

  • Make sure the ship’s departure point is convenient for you and plan your route before and after the excursion.

Tips for maximum comfort on excursions

  • Dress warmly: Even in summer, the water can get chilly at night, so it is recommended to bring warm clothing.
  • Take your camera: night views of the city and the process of building bridges provide excellent photo opportunities.
  • come early: arrive 15-20 minutes before departure to safely take your seats and prepare for the excursion.

Experts emphasize: an excursion to drawbridges by boat is an unforgettable experience that allows you to feel the unique atmosphere of St. Petersburg at night and see one of its most famous rituals. Such a walk will become a vivid memory and an obligatory item in the program of visiting the city.

Rivers and canals of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, thanks to its extensive system of rivers and canals, is often called the “Venice of the North.” Walking excursions along rivers and canals The cities are very popular among tourists. Here are a few key points that make such excursions interesting:

Unique Perspective:

  • A walk along the rivers and canals allows you to see the city from an unusual perspective. The water offers stunning views of architectural monuments, bridges and embankments.

Architectural masterpieces:

During river walks you can see many famous buildings and monuments. In particular:

  • The Winter Palace and the Hermitage are a magnificent view of one of the largest museums in the world.
  • The Peter and Paul Fortress is the historical center of St. Petersburg.
  • St. Isaac’s Cathedral is impressive in its size and beauty.
  • Marble Palace, Mikhailovsky Castle, Summer Garden and others.
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Bridges and embankments:

There are more than 300 bridges in St. Petersburg, many of which are historical monuments. For example:

  • The Palace Bridge is one of the most famous drawbridges in the city.
  • Anichkov Bridge is famous for its sculptures of horses by Klodt.
  • Trinity Bridge is one of the oldest and most beautiful bridges.

Historical and cultural stories:

The guides tell interesting stories and legends about the city, its inhabitants, as well as historical events associated with certain buildings and places.

Types of excursions:

There are several types of walks along rivers and canals:

  • day excursions — allow you to enjoy the views of the city in daylight.
  • night excursions — romantic walks through the city illuminated by lights.
  • Excursions to the raising of bridges are a unique opportunity to see how bridges are raised to allow large ships to pass.

Thematic excursions:

Some companies offer special routes dedicated to certain topics:

  • historical tours — focus on the history of the city.
  • literary walks — talk about famous writers and poets associated with St. Petersburg.
  • architectural tours — pay more attention to architectural styles and features of buildings.

Comfortable conditions:

Modern river buses are equipped with everything necessary for comfort: audio guides in different languages, cozy lounges, and sometimes even cafes and restaurants on board.

Walking along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg is truly an unforgettable experience that allows you to better understand and feel the atmosphere of this amazing city.

Excursions along rivers and canals — how to choose

The choice of excursion along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg depends on your preferences and interests. Here are a few steps to help you find the right excursion:

Determine the type of excursion

  • classic excursion: suitable for a first acquaintance with the city. Typically, such excursions cover the main attractions and architectural monuments.
  • Thematic excursion: If you have a special interest, for example in history, literature or architecture, choose a thematic excursion.
  • night walk: for those who want to enjoy night views of the city and a romantic atmosphere.
  • bridge raising excursion: a specific type of excursion that allows you to see how bridges are raised.

Study the offers of tour operators

  • look for tour operators with a good reputation.
  • Read reviews on travel review sites.

Consider the duration and route

  • Duration: excursions can last from 1 hour to several hours. Choose the duration depending on your time and interest.
  • Itinerary: Make sure your itinerary includes the sights you want to see.

Check availability of audio guides and tour guides

  • Audio guides: Make sure there are audio guides on board in your preferred language.
  • tour guides: some excursions are conducted by professional guides who can tell you a lot of interesting things and answer your questions.

Book your tickets in advance

  • Online booking: Many companies offer the ability to book tickets online. This is convenient and allows you to avoid queues.
  • Seasonality: during the summer season and during holidays, the demand for such excursions is higher, so it is better to book in advance.

Consider additional services and comfort

  • comfort: find out about the condition of the ships, the availability of indoor and outdoor decks, comfortable seating, etc.
  • Extras: Some excursions include drinks, snacks or even full meals. There are options with live music or theatrical performances.

Ask for recommendations

  • Locals: Locals can often recommend good companies and routes.
  • hotels and tourist centers: hotel and information center staff can help with choosing and booking excursions.

Sample action plan:

  1. Determine the type of excursion.
  2. Study offers and reviews.
  3. Check the route and duration.
  4. Make sure you have audio guides or a tour guide.
  5. Book your tickets in advance.
  6. Consider comfort and additional services.
  7. Ask locals and tourist centers for recommendations.

This way, you can find an excursion that will best suit your interests and make your stay in St. Petersburg unforgettable.

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