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Drug barons from two young Crimeans did not become. They will have to retrain as convicts

Drug barons from two young Crimeans did not become. They will have to retrain as convicts

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Crimean prosecutor’s office sent to court a criminal case of attempted illegal sale of more than 18 kg of narcotic drugs. Two young Crimeans are accused under Part 3 of Art. 30, part 5 art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted illegal sale of narcotic drugs on an especially large scale).

According to the investigation, in March 2023, the young people received a wholesale batch of the narcotic drugs «mephedrone» and «methadone» for further illegal sale. The accomplices were unable to sell more than 18 kg of prohibited substances because they were detained by officers of the FSB Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in one of the districts of the Republic. During the operational activities, synthetic narcotic drugs were seized from illegal circulation— reported the Crimean prosecutor’s office.

The criminal case was sent to the Kirovsky District Court for consideration on the merits. Note that 18 kg of “salt” is serious. You can end up in a colony for 15-20 years…

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