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During the year, pyrotechnicians of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations destroyed more than 5,000 explosive objects in Crimea

During the year, pyrotechnicians of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations destroyed more than 5,000 explosive objects in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Crimea, the pyrotechnic works department of the Specialized Detachment of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Republic of Crimea is responsible for the neutralization of aircraft and high-explosive bombs and shells left after the Great Patriotic War. In Feodosia, Kerch and the Leninsky region, mine clearance is carried out by specialists from the Special Marine Detachment.

Crimean pyrotechnicians have hundreds of thousands of successful operations to clear territories from explosive objects. Most often, specialists come across artillery shells, mortar mines and aerial bombs from the Great Patriotic War. The particular danger of all these finds is that the casings are practically rotten, and the explosives are completely intact, so the bombs can detonate at any moment— said the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Crimea.

During the year, pyrotechnicians of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations destroyed more than 5,000 explosive objects in Crimea

The largest operation to destroy ammunition in 2023 took place in March in the village of Semisotka, Leninsky district. Pyrotechnicians of the Special Marine Detachment of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations found an SC-500 bomb. This five hundred kilogram German high explosive bomb was the most common used by the German Air Force.

Due to damaged fuses, its transportation was impossible. There were 287 residential buildings in the possible damage zone. Pyrotechnicians from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations erected a ten-meter circular protective rampart around the munition within three days, and local residents were informed in advance and evacuated. The explosive object was successfully destroyed without damaging residential buildings, buildings and power lines in the immediate vicinity.

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In total, in 2023, more than 5,000 explosive items from the Great Patriotic War were neutralized on the peninsula.

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