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Educational program: how to get 450,000 rubles to pay off mortgages for large families

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Families with many children can receive up to 450,000 rubles to pay off a mortgage loan and interest on it in connection with the birth of a third or subsequent child.

What package of documents to collect, in what cases the payment of a subsidy is provided, how long to wait for its accrual and how to do it without a visit to the bank — these and other questions in the article of the portal experts Domclick.

How the program works

The scheme for obtaining a subsidy for repayment of a mortgage debt works as follows: clients submit an application and documents to the bank where they took a mortgage loan, the bank checks them and transfers them to the program operator — DOM.RF, which conducts a final check of applications and makes a decision either on the payment of a subsidy, or about refusal. Payments are made in order to repay debts on mortgage housing loans of citizens of the Russian Federation who are entitled to state support measures in the prescribed amount.

Families with many children can apply and apply for a subsidy of 450,000 rubles for mortgage repayment at any time online — without a visit to the bank — on the website of the State Services, having previously logged in. If you have not yet registered on the State Services Portal, you can do this by following the instructions.

In this case, the application directly goes to DOM.RF for consideration. Further, DOM.RF independently requests all the necessary information on a mortgage loan from the bank and decides on the payment of a subsidy.

The subsidy may be less than 450,000 rubles if the interest and debt on the loan have a smaller amount, respectively.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the procedure for implementing state support measures, which includes the rules for citizens to apply for their provision, as well as the list of necessary documents on the DOM.RF website and then submit an application.

How much can you get

The implementation of state support measures is carried out in total within the amount of funding established by the Russian government. Under this program, the state extinguishes the mortgage in whole or in part. A family can receive up to 450,000 rubles, but not more than the balance of the mortgage loan debt. The subsidy is used to repay the debt on the principal debt, but if such debt is less than 450,000 rubles, the remaining part of the payment is directed to repay the interest accrued for using this loan.

The unused balance of the subsidy cannot be transferred to another loan, cashed out or used in any other way. The family will be deemed to have exercised their eligibility for public assistance under this program. The remaining amount will not be paid in cash.

How many mortgages can be repaid under this program

This assistance from the state can be obtained only once and only for one mortgage loan. If a family received 450,000 rubles for a third child in 2019, and a fourth child was born in 2022, the re-issuance of the subsidy is not provided.

Basic criteria and conditions for applying for a grant

  • A subsidy can be received by a borrower, co-borrower or guarantor of a mortgage loan. He must be the parent of three or more children, one of whom was born after January 1, 2019.
  • The guarantor under the loan agreement is entitled to a subsidy if the guarantee agreement is concluded before April 30, 2021, provided that he was endowed with a share in the common ownership of the property being financed.
  • Children may be from different marriages. The age of older children is not taken into account.
  • The program also works for adopted children, but you need to remember: in the issue of obtaining a subsidy, it is the date of birth of the adopted child that matters, and not the date of his adoption.
  • If one of the children died, this does not exclude your right to receive state support. You will need to include a death certificate with your paperwork.
  • Restructuring, refinancing, late payment of mortgage debt, the use of maternity capital or other benefits — none of these actions is a reason for refusing to receive a subsidy.
  • By the way, about refinancing: the state will allocate money even to pay off a refinanced mortgage. And even if it was refinanced again, this is also possible.
  • The applicant and his children must have Russian citizenship. Birth certificates for children have a nationality stamp on the back. Since October 1, 2018, the citizenship of children is determined by the citizenship of the parent, which is indicated in the text of the birth certificate. If there is an insert to the birth certificate, you can also attach it.
  • There is no need to pay income tax on the subsidy, but if the family used the tax deduction when buying an apartment, then the state will have to return 58,500 rubles (13% from 450,000). In any case, a preliminary tax consultation will not hurt.
  • If there is no mortgage yet and there are no savings either, it will not work to spend 450,000 rubles on a down payment. Money is given only to pay off the debt.

Which loan can be repaid

The loan must be a mortgage loan and it must directly contain the purpose — the purchase of finished housing (including for payment of inseparable improvements), participation in shared construction, purchase of a land plot provided for individual housing construction or refinancing of a mortgage loan provided by another credit organization for the purposes, above.

It is also possible to receive a subsidy after the state registration of the transfer of ownership (or the transfer of a share in the right of common ownership) for the repayment of a mortgage loan for the following objects:

  • land plots with or without buildings (IZHS, LPH, SNT);
  • objects of construction in progress;
  • participation in housing savings cooperatives (HSC).

When buying a private house, subsidizing is possible if the residential building on the site is already registered. If not yet, only the site itself is considered.

Housing can be bought both in the secondary and primary markets, from an individual or legal entity.

Information on the intended purpose of the purchase and the form of the agreement must be indicated in the loan agreement with the bank.

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What mortgage loans do not meet the conditions of the state program

If the loan was issued on the basis of a preliminary sale and purchase agreement, that is, the main sale and purchase agreement was concluded after the actual issuance of the loan, then it is impossible to receive a subsidy.

The purchase of non-residential premises of a commercial type, which, in accordance with the law, includes apartments, also does not correspond to the intended purpose of the loan.

Acquisition of a land plot with any status other than IZHS, SNT, LPH similarly does not correspond to the purpose of the loan and cannot be subsidized.

What documents are needed to apply through the bank

1. Application for repayment of the loan (you write it at the bank).

2. Your passport, SNILS and consent to the processing of personal data.

3. Birth certificates and all children, as well as the passports of those who have reached the age of 14 and older. Their presence is mandatory — they must sign an agreement on the processing of personal data. If the child is between 14 and 18 years old, he writes consent on his own behalf, but the parent signs this consent. If the child is over 18 years old, then he writes consent on his own behalf.

4. SNILS of all children (if any).

5. Documents that confirm your motherhood or paternity (if this cannot be established on the birth certificate). If one of the children is adopted, do not forget about the documents that confirm this fact — the birth certificate of the adopted child, the adoption certificate, the court decision on adoption, and others.

6. Loan agreement for the repayment of which a subsidy is requested.

7. Document on the acquisition of real estate. They can serve as a contract for the sale of residential premises, including an individual housing construction / land plot; agreement on participation in shared construction; an agreement (agreement) on the assignment of rights under an agreement on participation in shared construction; contract for the construction of individual residential premises; documents confirming the payment (introduction) of share contributions of a member of a housing construction cooperative or a member of a housing savings cooperative.

8. If the mortgage was issued in another bank, but you refinanced it in Sberbank, do not forget to take the original loan agreement with you. If you refinanced a mortgage loan issued by Sberbank, only the bank that refinanced your loan can accept your application for repayment of the mortgage debt.

9. Guarantee agreement, if the guarantor submits an application for a subsidy.

Where are applications accepted?

You can submit documents to the Sberbank office: either to the Mortgage Lending Center in your region, or to the office of the bank that accompanies mortgage loans, if there is no Mortgage Lending Center in your city.

You can find out the address of the nearest bank office that provides advice, processing and issuance of mortgage loans on the SberBank website — indicate your city, select the services you are interested in using the filter (in this case, advice on mortgage and housing loans) and you will see all the necessary information.

You can also submit documents online through the State Services Portal.

What about time limits?

The most minimal: a mortgage lending agreement must be signed before July 1, 2024. And if you already have a mortgage agreement that meets all the conditions, but the youngest child was born before January 1, 2019, then it doesn’t matter: the birth of the next baby can be planned until December 31, 2023.

The application was accepted. What’s next?

The application number is assigned after its registration on the DOM.RF website and you can check it with the manager who accepted your application, track it by the DOM.RF hotline number 8 (800) -775-11-22, naming your personal data. The status of the application can be checked by dialing the application number on the DOM.RF website. If you submitted an application through the State Services portal, then the status of the application can be tracked there.

Waiting periods

The bank must check and send the documents to DOM.RF within 7 working days.

DOM.RF must also review the documents within 7 working days and, if everything is in order, transfer the money within 5 working days. That is, no more than 19 working days should elapse from the moment of submitting an application to receiving a subsidy.

The Decree specifies such terms, but they can be increased due to the need for additional requests.

Approved! Where is the money?

In case of a positive response to your application, the funds are transferred to the loan account to repay the principal debt on the loan within 5 working days after the decision on payment is made. That is, no more than 19 working days should elapse from the moment of submitting an application to receiving a subsidy. The Decree specifies such terms, but they can be increased due to the need for additional requests.

That’s not all

If the subsidy was transferred to you, but there is still debt on the loan, then information about the new payment schedule can be obtained from your personal mortgage support account on the website or in the Domclick application, in SberBank Online or at the bank office.

I was refused. Why?

The reasons may be very different, but, in any case, the refusal to provide state assistance is based on the provisions set out with reference to the official decision of the Government.

Forecasts for the future

Sberbank rightfully acts as the leading banking structure, helping the state to implement many programs of state assistance to young and large families. A subsidy of up to 450,000 rubles will help reduce the debt burden on a mortgage loan and help many families improve their living conditions.

The main positive feature of the subsidy is the ability to use it with other subsidies and government support measures. In particular, maternity capital, upon receipt of which it will be possible to repay the mortgage in a total amount of more than 1 million rubles. For many regions of the country, this is enough to completely close the loan for the purchase of housing.

source: Domclick

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