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Educational program: how to increase your pension

Educational program: how to increase your pension

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The old-age insurance pension in Russia, as in many developed countries, depends on two main parameters — length of service and the amount of wages from which contributions to the pension system are made. «Parliamentary newspaper» tells what will help increase the income of older people.

Receive a “white” salary

The old-age insurance pension consists of two parts: fixed and insurance. The fixed payment amount in 2024 is 8134 rubles 88 kopecks. The second part of the pension is determined individually depending on the total length of service and average earnings before January 1, 2002 and on the amount of pension contributions after this date.

In 2024, women aged 58 and men aged 63 who have worked at least 15 years and accumulated 28.2 pension points can retire. What is important is that points are accumulated only from the official salary, since only from it are contributions to the pension system made.

The most important thing is to work with “white” wages throughout your entire career, — Member of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Svetlana Bessarab reminded readers of the Parliamentary Newspaper. — Some employers still prefer to hire workers under “gray” schemes, when part of the salary is paid in envelopes. But you must always remember that a salary in an envelope is a drawback in your pension accounts.

Buy additional experience and points

If there is not enough length of service or pension points to assign an old-age insurance pension, then they can be purchased, Bessarab recalled. This can be done by people who have already reached retirement age.

The number of points that are allowed to be purchased changes annually. This year, the minimum amount that will have to be spent on this is more than 50 thousand rubles. For this you will be awarded a little more than 1 point. You can purchase a maximum of 8.3 points — this will cost approximately 467 thousand rubles, — said the deputy.

Another option is to complete the missing experience and accumulate the missing points. You can also wait for a social pension — it is assigned five years later and its amount is lower than that of an insurance pension.

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Take a well-deserved rest

You can increase your pension by delaying your retirement. If a person retires a few years after he has such a right, he will receive more money due to the increasing coefficient.

Over ten years, you can double the fixed payment to your old-age insurance pension. Even for five years of additional work there will be a significant increase in the fixed payment,” explained Svetlana Bessarab.

During this period, you can, by the way, earn additional pension points.

Request recalculation

If a pensioner believes that his pension should be larger, it is worth checking the data on which payments are calculated, the Social Fund advises. The relevant information is in the certificate of the assigned pension. It indicates the length of service, earned pension points and periods of work during which the pension was formed. Help is always available in your personal account on the State Services portal. It can also be obtained from the Social Fund customer services or multifunctional centers.

If the certificate does not contain any information about work activity, although the pensioner knows for sure that it should be there, you should contact the Social Fund. There, specialists will help clarify the missing information. For example, they will send requests to employers and archival organizations, including abroad, if Russia has an agreement on mutual pension provision with the country. If the pensioner himself has supporting documents about periods of work, length of service and salary, he must submit them to the Social Fund. The information will help confirm your eligibility for higher payments.

You should contact the Social Fund to increase payments even if new circumstances have appeared in a person’s life that affect the amount of your pension. For example, a pensioner moved to live in the North or had disabled relatives to support him. In these cases, an increase is due to the pension.

source: Parliamentary newspaper

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