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Educational program: what are the benefits of lending for working Russians?

Educational program: what are the benefits of lending for working Russians?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the face of a shortage of personnel, the state and Russian employer companies are increasingly helping employees with loans and mortgages in order to attract and retain valuable employees in enterprises. Avito Works experts told us what benefits some Russian companies offer for employees and who is entitled to them.

Who is eligible for corporate lending?

Not all companies provide loan assistance to employees. If the employer provides such benefits, as a rule, the employee who wishes to receive them must work for the company under an employment contract. Depending on the specific organization, various requirements may be put forward — on the minimum period of work in the company, income level, etc.

IT mortgage

There are also government programs for preferential mortgage lending for employees working in accredited IT companies. In order for an employee to receive an IT mortgage, the employing company must participate in the program and have the appropriate IT accreditation. You can check whether your company is accredited at State Services. The following conditions must also be met:

  • Required salary level before personal income tax: from 120 thousand rubles for cities with a population of over a million and from 70 thousand rubles for other settlements. For Moscow — no less than 150 thousand rubles. You must receive a salary in the specified amount no less than 3 months before concluding a loan agreement on preferential terms.
  • The salary level is determined based on the place of work specified in the employment contract. This can be either the company’s head office or a regional branch.
  • To take advantage of the program, an employee must work in an IT company for at least 3 months before applying for a loan on preferential terms.
  • Age — from 18 to 50 years inclusive.
  • You need to work for an accredited IT company (not necessarily the same one) after applying for a loan to maintain the preferential rate for at least 5 years.
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If the employee leaves an accredited IT company, the preferential rate will continue for six months. During this time, you need to have time to find a job again in an accredited IT company to maintain the preferential loan rate.

Corporate mortgage

In addition to IT mortgages, some companies offer their key employees various flexible corporate mortgage schemes as a motivational tool.

One of the most common models involves the employer purchasing apartments and providing employees with the opportunity to rent housing with a subsequent purchase after repayment of obligations.

Another option is the company’s participation in the shared construction of commercial and residential real estate with a subsequent offer to employees to buy out part of the properties.

For especially valuable employees of large companies, interest-free lending options are available from the employer, which fully compensates for interest payments to the bank.

Another popular tool is for the employer to subsidize the down payment or part of the monthly mortgage payments on a repayable or free basis.

Employer’s guarantee

Another option for helping employees with loans is a guarantee. The company acts as a guarantor for the loan, which reduces interest rates for the employee. However, upon dismissal, the preferential rate, as a rule, becomes the market rate. In this way, employers try to motivate employees to stay with the company.

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