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Educational program: what is due to military families

Educational program: what is due to military families

CrimeaPRESS reports:

When the employment contract is terminated due to the transfer of their spouses to a new duty station, wives of contract military personnel will be paid severance pay in the amount of two months’ average salary. The Ministry of Defense proposed to consolidate this norm in the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel.” «Parliamentary newspaper» I found out the details and also found out what other benefits military families can count on.

Help with work

The Ministry of Defense has prepared a bill introducing an additional clause to Article 10 of the Law «On the Status of Military Personnel». The document, published on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts, is aimed at social support for the spouses of military personnel serving under contract. It is proposed to secure the payment of severance pay in the amount of two months’ average salary upon termination of an employment contract due to the transfer of their spouses to a new duty station in other populated areas or to the territory of foreign states.

Now this norm is formalized in the form of an order of the Ministry of Defense of 2002, but if the amendment is adopted, it will become a guarantee of the state, and its effect will extend to legal relations that arose from February 1, 2020.

Currently, the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” provides for three main measures to support spouses of military personnel related to employment. Thus, the years of forced unemployment associated with the inability to find employment at the spouse’s place of military service, as well as the need to care for a sick child, are counted toward their total length of service. They also have an advantage when applying for a job in government organizations and military units, staying there in case of layoffs, and when being sent for retraining. Military wives have the right to request leave at the same time as their husband’s leave.

Compensate for difficulties

As Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Yuri Shvytkin told Parlamentskaya Gazeta, “the military – former, present and future – are among the pillars of support, so any reasonable state supports this category of citizens.”

It is no less important to support the family members of military personnel, believes the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans’ Affairs, Yaroslav Nilov.

Military personnel are transferred to new duty stations, and their wives are often in moving mode. They have to live in the Far North and other territories with less than favorable conditions, so any social support measures are welcomed.the deputy told the Parliamentary Newspaper.

All the main social guarantees for the families of military personnel are set out in the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” and are determined by the specifics of the service of the head of the family and the characteristics of living conditions.

Thus, spouses, children and military dependents can count on medical care in military medical organizations. Military children are required to be admitted to schools closest to their parents’ place of service and, as a matter of priority, to be given vouchers to kindergartens and summer camps. Family members of officers dismissed after 20 years of service have the right to annually rest and receive treatment in sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, children’s camps and tourist centers of the Ministry of Defense at half price. In addition, they can count on free travel to vacation spots.

In a difficult situation

Family members are also entitled to monetary allowance in the event of a missing serviceman, capture or hostage. Family members of a discharged serviceman have the right to travel free of charge to their chosen place of residence, and if the head of the family is killed, they can also transport up to 20 tons of personal property.

In the event of the death of a serviceman, a number of guarantees are generally provided to members of his family. Thus, they can travel free of charge by any type of transport to the place of his burial and back and subsequently use this right once a year. The same guarantee also applies in the event of a serious illness of a serviceman. Two close relatives and two family members can use free travel to the hospital.

Family members of deceased or dead military personnel have the right to a survivor’s pension. They cannot be evicted from their housing or deprived of the right to improve their housing conditions. They can have their individual residential building repaired free of charge once every ten years and also have the right to compensation for utility bills. They also retain guarantees for medical care, spa treatment, travel to and from the place of such treatment. In the event of the death of a military man in a state of emergency or during armed conflicts, the guarantees and compensations applicable to family members of military personnel who died in the Great Patriotic War apply to his family members.

In addition to the main law, there are also a number of regulations that regulate support measures for the families of military personnel who died or became disabled as a result of military operations and training. In addition to a one-time allowance, they are entitled to monthly compensation, schoolchildren are paid for their summer vacation once a year, and property tax benefits are provided for parents and widows.

In addition, more than 100 laws have recently been adopted to support military personnel performing combat missions in the special operation zone. This was reported in April by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. For example, family members of military personnel sent to the SVO zone and outside Russia will be able to continue using service housing at their previous place of service. If the housing is rented, they will retain compensation for rent.

source: «Parliamentary newspaper»

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