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Educational program: what rights and benefits do working blood donors have?

Educational program: what rights and benefits do working blood donors have?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

14 June marks World Blood Donor Day, an important date to raise awareness of the importance of regular blood donation in saving lives. In honor of this day, Avito Works experts have prepared instructions for those wishing to become donors in Russia and told what benefits and advantages blood donors have.

Any capable citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreigner over 18 years of age who has no medical contraindications for donating blood can become a donor.

Blood can be donated at a transfusion station or at a donor point. Donors donate either whole blood or its components — platelets or plasma. Men can donate blood no more than once every two months, women — once every three months. Blood components can be donated once every 2 weeks. Every 4–6 donations take a break for a month.

  1. Benefits and guarantees for donors:
  • Exemption from work on the day of undergoing a medical examination before donating blood and its components;
  • Exemption from work directly on the day of blood donation;
  • An additional day of rest after the day of blood donation;
  • The right to use additional days off immediately, transfer to any other day during the year or attach to vacation (from 6 to 20 days per year depending on the number of donations).
  • Free lunch on the day of donation or compensation for lunch if blood or its components were donated free of charge.
  • Extraordinary discounted vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment — if you donate blood at least twice a year.
  1. Obtaining the status of “Honorary Donor”:

An honorary donor is the one who donates free of charge:

  • whole blood 40 or more times;
  • plasma 60 or more times;
  • whole blood 25 or more times and blood plasma in a total amount of 40 times;
  • whole blood less than 25 and blood plasma in a total amount of 60.
  1. Benefits for honorary donors:
Find out more:  Форум «Истоки» в Севастополе: панельная дискуссия «История семьи – история страны: почему важно знать историю»

At the federal level:

  • Honorary donors receive an annual payment (in 2024 — 17,324 rubles).
  • Priority purchase at the place of work or study of preferential vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment.
  • Providing annual paid leave at a time of year convenient for them.
  • Extraordinary provision of medical care in state and municipal medical institutions under compulsory medical insurance.

At the regional level:

  • Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation offer additional benefits — for example, free travel on public transport, discounts on utility bills, benefits on medicines and other preferences.
  1. Procedure for receiving donor benefits:
  • Inform your employer in advance about the planned donation and agree on days off. An employer has no right to refuse to donate blood to you.
  • After donation, obtain certificates from the donor institution and submit them to the employer’s accounting department. Two days of rest will be paid, even if you donated blood on a day off.

You can donate blood for a fee if a person has a rare blood phenotype or does not have certain red blood cell antigens. Payment for donation depends on the regional cost of living.

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