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Employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry check readiness for a safe harvesting campaign in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Crimea, compliance with fire safety requirements during the preparation and directly, the harvesting campaign is monitored by employees of the State Fire Supervision. Preventive work in this direction reduces the risk of fires in grain crops.

In early June, on the territory of the Sovetsky district, the local department of supervisory activities carried out on-site surveys of agricultural land plots where spike crops grow. During each raid, a visual assessment was made of the degree of mineralization (openness of the soil layer) of the fire plowing in the places where the fields adjoin the railway, roads and steppe zones. Also, the inspectors paid attention to checking the availability and operability of primary fire extinguishing systems.— reported in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea.

Employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry check readiness for a safe harvesting campaign in Crimea

In addition, employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry held conversations and briefings on compliance with fire safety measures with land users and owners of land plots. Tractor drivers and combine operators were reminded of the specifics of refueling agricultural machinery with petroleum products. It should be carried out only by a tanker with the engines turned off, and at night, refueling vehicles with fuel is completely prohibited.

In the Soviet region of Crimea, crop production accounts for 68% of the main industry. Every day, 30 out of 638 agricultural plots are tested for fire safety.

Employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry check readiness for a safe harvesting campaign in Crimea

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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