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Entrepreneurs popularize the Hero City's products — «Made in Sevastopol»

Entrepreneurs popularize the Hero City's products — «Made in Sevastopol»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Two years ago, participants of the agro-industrial cluster of the city of Sevastopol proposed to promote products manufactured in the city under a single brand. Last year, the umbrella brand «Made in Sevastopol. Agro-industrial cluster» was developed. An umbrella brand is a promotion strategy in which a business produces different categories of goods or services under one recognizable name. All participants of the agro-industrial cluster can place a logo on their products and brand their retail outlets.

Recognizability of products outside of Sevastopol will create a positive image, which will undoubtedly lead to increased sales for entrepreneurs in our city.— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the director of the center «My Business» Natalia Borisova.

Since the service was launched, 17 entrepreneurs of the Sevastopol agro-industrial cluster have used it. Among them are the Mercury chain of stores, the Krymsky Dar beverage production organization, Aleksey Olegovich Kozhemyachenko, an individual entrepreneur who produces bakery products, Natalya Pavlovna Maksymiv, an individual entrepreneur who produces sausages, and Anastasia Igorevna Evstratova, an individual entrepreneur who produces chocolate bars.

Sevastopol entrepreneur Yuriy Garmash, who sells walnut-based food products, also uses the opportunity to place an umbrella brand on his products.

We popularize products that are made in our city so that buyers outside our region know and understand: made in Sevastopol is always high-quality and affordable! – notes the entrepreneur of the agro-industrial cluster Yuriy Garmash.

Information about the service for placing the umbrella brand «Made in Sevastopol. Agro-industrial cluster», as well as other services for small and medium-sized businesses can be obtained at the «My Business» center at the address: Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii Avenue, 42-B, Building 6, or by calling the hotline: +7 (8692) 22-92-92.

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source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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