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Evening fire in the Alushta village of Partenit. It took more than two hours to extinguish the fire

Evening fire in the Alushta village of Partenit. It took more than two hours to extinguish the fire

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Yesterday, at 20:18, the operator on duty received a signal about a fire in the village. Parthenit (Alushta). An unused building caught fire here, and a GAZelle car and a moped were also engulfed in fire.

Evening fire in the Alushta village of Partenit. It took more than two hours to extinguish the fire

Firefighters conducted reconnaissance and, having discovered 5 gas cylinders and 2 oxygen cylinders, evacuated them to a safe place and began extinguishing the fire. Within 2 hours the fire was completely localized and extinguished. Its area was 100 square meters. As a result of the fire, an unused building, a car and a moped were completely destroyed by fire— reported the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea.

Evening fire in the Alushta village of Partenit. It took more than two hours to extinguish the fire

There were no casualties. Experts are establishing the cause of the fire.

Evening fire in the Alushta village of Partenit. It took more than two hours to extinguish the fire

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