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Every second company in Crimea operates referral recruiting programs

Every second company in Crimea operates referral recruiting programs

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Every second company has referral recruiting programs. In a survey of a service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob Representatives of enterprises and organizations from Crimea took part.

The shortage of personnel forces employers to use a variety of channels to attract candidates. In 32% of companies, referral recruiting programs are used for selection for all vacancies of the company, in another 20% — for some positions. Most often, HR people use referral programs when recruiting qualified workers, programmers, general workers, sales managers, highly qualified or “narrow” specialists and employees for mass positions.,” noted the service’s press service.

16% of companies that have had recruiting referral programs for several years have increased the cash bonus for hired employees in 2023. 69% kept payments at the 2022 level.

Dates: December 14, 2023 – January 10, 2024

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