Exams for guides will be held in Crimea
Krympress reports:
About half of working guides have already passed certification, due to which the Republic of Crimea is among the leaders among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the moment, 503 guides (guide) are certified in the Republic of Crimea, including 13 guides-translators.
Since March 1, guides, translators do not have the right to provide activities without a badge-badge, which is issued after successful certification for 5 years. At the same time, certification by the examination commission under the Ministry continues. By the number of certified guides, the Republic of Crimea is included in the country in the three leaders after Moscow and St. Petersburg, -quotes the press service of the Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Ganziy.
In the certification exam, the applicant needs to go through two stages: testing on the history, geography and culture of Crimea and a practical task. The practical task is a part of the excursion according to the ticket selected by the applicant. If there is work experience, then only a practical task. All documentation for help in passing exams is posted on the site Ministry of Crimea of Crimea.
The guide applying for certification should have higher or secondary vocational education, as well as additional professional education in the profile of the guide. However, if the applicant has work experience from 5 years or has secondary vocational or higher education in the field of tourism in programs, which includes the provision of the guide services, documents on the receipt of additional education are not required. In addition, there are professional retraining courses in the specialties of the guide and guide that can not be held if there is secondary vocational education or higher education in the field of tourism in programs, which includes the appropriate discipline.
In Crimea, you can undergo training in KFU named after Vernadsky and his structural units in the city of Evpatoria, Yalta, Feodosia, in the Center “My Business” (Simferopol), in the Crimeres Resource Training and Formation Center (Simferopol).
The register of guides (guides) and guides-translators who have passed certification and have the right to carry out excursion activities in the territory of the Republic of Crimea are located By link.
*Dates can be adjusted, actualized By link
Source: press service of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea
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