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Experts: Increasing the uterus of a capital will not affect the availability of housing for families

Experts: Increasing the uterus of a capital will not affect the availability of housing for families

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The total amount of maternity capital will increase from February 1, 2025 to 912 thousand rubles. The Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Anton Kotyakov announced this at a meeting of the president with the government of the country. The payment for the first-born will increase by 60 thousand rubles, to 690 thousand. After the birth of the second child, a family that has not previously issued a certificate will additionally receive about 222 thousand rubles.

The head of the mortgage bureau and the project “Electronic Deal.RF”, Kamila Fazlyeva, in a conversation with a correspondent of Tsian.Magazine, emphasized that the very presence of maternity capital in Russia is a good and successful practice.

As for its use, in recent years interest has shifted from real estate to education and medicine. These services are also becoming more expensive, and investing in real estate has no longer become so profitable due to the high level of prices for apartments, especially in large cities. Its indexation is logical, given general inflation. In addition, many still spend maternity capital to pay off the existing mortgage loansaid the specialist.

In her opinion, the authorities need to think about increasing the number of ways to manage the certificate for maternity capital.

Perhaps it could be used to increase the benefit that a woman who gives birth receives. Today, maternity pay is about 40% of the average monthly salary. This money is often not enough for families, because with the birth of a child, expenses increase significantly. Therefore, it would be reasonable to allocate money specifically for this purpose.continued Kamila Fazlyeva.

She also added that there are many examples where, under the guise of buying real estate, women actually simply cashed out their maternity capital.

Therefore, restrictions and requirements were introduced to verify the suitability for living of a property acquired with the help of maternity capital.,” explained Kamila Fazlyeva.

Olga Piskaeva, a member of the board of the Russian Guild of Realtors, suggested that the mortgage standard that came into force on January 1 will make its own adjustments in terms of the use of maternal capital.

The down payment of 20% and the loan rate of 30% are unlikely to be compensated by the 60–80 thousand rubles by which the capital will increase. If it is used to pay off a previously taken out mortgage, then this is a small but pleasant bonus. 912 thousand for the purchase of real estate in big cities is a small amount, and it will require allocating shares to all family members“, the specialist commented.

Leading analyst at AMarkets Igor Rastorguev is confident that increasing the amount of maternity capital will not play a significant role in increasing the affordability of housing for families. He emphasized that the average cost of 1 sq. m in a new building reaches 170 thousand rubles, and a family with two or three children needs housing with at least three rooms for a comfortable stay.

The average area of ​​three-room apartments in Russia is 85 square meters. m. Thus, the average cost of three rubles will be up to 14.4 million rubles. To apply for a preferential mortgage, you need to make an initial payment of 20%, that is, the family needs to have up to 2.9 million rubles in their accounts at a time. The amount of maternity capital, even taking into account indexation, is three times less than necessary,” the expert presented the calculations.

Igor Rastorguev noted that prices for secondary housing are more affordable — on average 107 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m, however, such a mortgage transaction can only be executed according to market conditions.

In fact, it is possible to pay off only the footage of one small room with maternity capital. At the same time, it can become a help for families who already have housing, but need to expandthe speaker concludes.

source: CYANOGEN

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