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Experts: The power of DDOS attacks on Russia increased 3.5 times a year

Experts: The power of DDOS attacks on Russia increased 3.5 times a year

Krympress reports:

Cybersecurity should remain a priority for all organizations, especially those that process critical data or provide significant services, reminded in the State Duma.

The power of the DDOS type of DDOS on Russian structures increased 3.5 times in 2024 in comparison with the indicators of 2023. This was reported by TASS with reference to the data of the Solar Group of Companies (the subsidiary of Rostelecom).

In total, in 2024, 508 thousand DDOS attacks on Russian structures were recorded, according to Solar. This is almost twice as much as in 2023, but 1.5 times less than in 2022. The maximum duration of the attack was reduced eight times compared to 2023, amounting to 36 days.

Last year, an increase in the power of DDOS attacks can be explained by increasing the availability and improving the technical equipment of the botnets at the disposal of hackers, the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, the federal coordinator of the Digital Russia party project, Anton Nemkin, said.

Today, cybercriminals are increasingly using distributed networks of infected devices, which allows them to conduct more powerful and coordinated attacks. The increase in the number of such attacks is almost doubled compared to 2023, it confirms that hackers are becoming more active, finding new ways to realize their goals— he notes.

Reducing the maximum duration of attacks to 36 days, which is eight times less than last year, is also indicative.

Hackers move from long -term suppression to high -intensity and target attacks aimed at structures with insufficient protection. This allows them to cause significant damage in a short time and avoid effective opposition. This approach also indicates that attackers adapt to improvement of protection systems and are aimed at the most vulnerable segments— explained Nemkin.

The main conclusion from these data is that cybersecurity should remain a priority for all organizations, especially those that process critical data or provide significant services.

Investments in protecting systems, the use of modern traffic filtering tools, as well as the introduction of comprehensive counteraction strategies for DDOS-attams-these are the necessary measures to reduce risks. In addition, operational analytics and monitoring are important, which will respond faster to new threats and prevent potential damage— the deputy advised.

Source: press service of the State Duma deputy Anton Nemkina

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