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Experts: workers overtake programmers in terms of salary growth rates

Experts: workers overtake programmers in terms of salary growth rates

Krympress reports:

Service Superjob I studied the dynamics of salaries of qualified workers in Moscow.

The most quickly salary offers are growing in industry

As of March 1, 2025, the rate of increase in salaries is a year higher for ITR and workers in industry (plus 15.8% and 15.5%, respectively). In third place — information technology (+15.3%). ITR salaries in construction have grown by 15.1%from March 2024, and 15%qualified workers in construction.

Sphere Growth per year,% (from March 2024 to March 2025) In January-March 2024,% In January-March 2025,% Index value (January 2024 = 100)
ITR in industry 15.8% 0.7% 4.3% 116.7
Workers in industry 15.5% 2.0% 5.3% 117.7
Information Technology 15.3% 1.8% 3.6% 117.3
ITR in construction 15.1% 1.6% 1.3% 116.9
Workers in construction 15.0% 1.7% 5.4% 117
Personnel 14.5% 1.6% 2.0% 116.3
Retail 11.8% 1.0% 1.7% 112.9
Banks 11.8% 1.3% 1.5% 113.3
Marketing/Advertising/PR 11.5% 1.7% 1.6% 113.5
Transport and warehouse 11.3% 2.7% 1.1% 114.3
Medical staff 10.4% 1.7% 1.7% 112.3

The first in terms of increase in salaries among qualified workers in industry — seamstresses, installers, milling workers and electrician

Among industrial workers, the average market salaries of seamstresses (+34%), equipment installers (+26%), milling and electricians (plus 20%) have increased significantly only in the year (since March 2024).

Position Growth per year,% Dynamics for the year, rubles
Seamstress/tailor 34% +27000
Equipment installer 26% +25000
Milling mill 20% +20000
Electrician 20% +16000
CNC machine operator 14% +15000
Confectioner 13% +10000
Mechanic 13% +13000
Turner 9% +10000
Locksmith 5% +5000
Carpenter/carpenter 4% +5000

In the construction industry, the salaries of masons, road workers and electrical installers are growing the fastest.

In terms of growth rate of average market salaries, mason leaders (+30%), road workers (+26%), electrical installers (+25%), tiles (+20%), electric gas welders (+19%) are the leaders.

Position Growth per year,% Dynamics for the year, rubles
Mason 30% +30000
Road worker 26% +25000
Electrician 25% +25000
Tiler 20% +20000
Electro -gas welder 19% +22000
Monolite/Concrete 13% +15000
Plumber 12% +10000
Roofer 10% +10000
Carpenter 5% +5000
Painter-stomachs -8% -10000

Freight change: workers are ahead of it in salary growth

Since 2020, the IT sphere has demonstrated indisputable leadership in the salary race: the income of programmers grew up with a leading pace. During this time, salaries in IT have grown so much that the statistical effect of a high base began to affect. As a result, from last year we have been observing the change of leader: the salaries of qualified workers in industry are growing faster than IT. In January-March 2024, the difference in growth rate was insignificant: only 0.2 percentage points (1.8% in IT and 2% in working industries). But in January-March of this year, the gap is already more serious-1.7 percentage points. (3.6 versus 5.3%, respectively).

Find out more:  In Russia, social pensions indexed by 14.75%

Superjob forecast

In 2025, the leading growth of workers’ salaries in industry and construction will continue, supported by inflationary expectations and a change in the structure of labor demand. Growth factors:

  • Qualified workers are the most popular category of staff.
  • Demographic situation. The aging of the applicant base.
  • Salary indexation taking into account inflation.
  • Workers in construction: growth in private housing construction with a decrease in the activity of mass developers, tightening migration legislation. The implementation of large infrastructure projects (construction of roads, bridges, energy facilities) requires the involvement of a large number of performers.
  • Workers in industry: development of production within the country, import substitution. Automation of production has reduced the number of routine operations, but has not yet reached such a level to completely replace a person with robots.

What is Superjob salary indexes (SJI)? These are indices that reflect the monthly dynamics of average wages in certain industry segments. The calculation of the index is carried out according to a fixed list of 10 professions for each segment. The start date of the calculation of indexes is January 1, 2024, the initial value is 100. The calculation of each industry index is carried out with a frequency once a month.

What are they needed for? Indexes will allow you to track changes in average market wages during the year and adjust salary offers. This is a convenient and understandable tool for evaluating mabothens in the development of the economy. We have allocated key industry segments that allow you to monitor changes in certain industries.

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