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Face-to-face meeting between Putin and Erdogan. Constructive dialogue without signing documents

Face-to-face meeting between Putin and Erdogan. Constructive dialogue without signing documents

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Quite contradictory comments are spread by the media on the results of the meeting between Putin and Erdogan in Sochi. How would the presidents of Russia and Turkey demonstrate friendship, and mutual respect, and focus on constructive… But only demonstrated. No decisions were made to resume (in any form) the “grain deal”, the positions of the West and Russia on key issues are still diametrical, and the Turkish leader’s “peacekeeping mission” in Ukraine remained words, spoken see you in Sochi.

Today, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov tried to calm the information space, saying that the signing of any documents following the results of the negotiations was not planned, since the heads of state only … exchanged views.

No fixation in written or other documents is planned, the main goal of yesterday was to compare notes on a very rich set of our bilateral relations, and also to exchange views on well-known regional problems and bring each other’s positions, as they say, firsthandsaid Kremlin representative to journalists.

Did Erdogan’s mission fail? According to Peskov,very, very constructive and fruitful negotiations took place«. But… no specific agreements.

As an example, Peskov cited the same «grain deal», that is, the «Black Sea Initiative»:

This is a multilateral process, the position of the countries of the collective West, which has been refusing to fulfill the terms of the Black Sea deal for a long time, which is why its further continuation is not possible. Therefore, here, since it concerns other parties, it is not possible to agree on something specific in the course of bilateral contacts.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan himself is less optimistic today. According to him, the opinions of Russia and the West differ on the situation in the “grain deal” on money transfers via SWIFT and insurance of Russian ships.

Prior to Mr. Putin’s departure for Sochi, the US State Department issued a statement saying that «the United States and the United Nations are grateful to Turkey for its work in brokering the rescue of the grain initiative.» However, the West has a completely different opinion about Russia, both on the SWIFT incident and on the issue of insurance. It is because of this difference that Putin is now saying: «They are not fulfilling their obligations towards me, and since they are not fulfilling their obligations, I will not work with them on this issue.» In addition, 44% of the grain goes to Europe. And 14% go to Africa. Putin said: “Europe is already hostile to me. I will not take a single step on this issue until Europe fulfills its promises— TV channel quoted Erdogan as saying TRT Haber.

How to interpret these words? Just like mission failure.

«I came, I saw, I conquered”- obviously not about Erdogan in Sochi. Russia has not retreated one iota from its positions. As in Ukraine, by the way. It’s just that we, the West and Kiev have a completely different understanding of the conditions, causes and consequences of possible peace negotiations. And the President of Turkey did not manage to find the «points of intersection» of these positions.

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Prospects for achieving peace in Ukraine are not visible on the horizon, told the TV channel TRT Haber Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey’s position on the ongoing war in Ukraine is clear. From day one, we have always stood for peace, dialogue and diplomacy. We have made great efforts to prevent further bloodshed. We didn’t exacerbate the problem or add fuel to the fire, we tried to get both sides to meet. Unfortunately, the war, which has been going on for 1.5 years, is still going on. No prospects for peace on the horizonthe Turkish leader said.

He noted that Ankara will continue to carry out the mission of an intermediary in the exchange of prisoners … He also said about the need to achieve “lasting peace on the basis of international law”, without specifying the positions and conditions … But Erdogan always ready to mediate on the Ukrainian issue.

That’s all the results of the «constructive dialogue.»

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