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Fatal accident on the Chernomorskoye-Evpatoria highway. What does skidding at speed lead to?

Fatal accident on the Chernomorskoye-Evpatoria highway. What does skidding at speed lead to?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The police are conducting an investigation into a fatal accident in the Saki region of Crimea. According to the traffic police, in an accident on the Chernomorskoye-Evpatoria highway that happened this morning (at 7:30) one person died and another was hospitalized.

The driver of a Lada Granta car, born in 1981, moving from Evpatoria in the direction of the village. Chernomorskoye did not take into account the road situation, lost control, allowed the vehicle to skid, as a result of which it drove into oncoming traffic, where it collided with a VAZ 2107 car, driven by the driver, born in 1980, which was moving in the opposite direction. As a result of the accident, the driver of the VAZ 2107 car was fatally injured, and the driver of the Lada Granta car received bodily injuries and was taken to a medical facility— reported the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea.

An investigation into the accident is underway and the causes and circumstances of the incident are being clarified.

Fatal accident on the Black Sea Evpatoria highway. What does skidding at speed lead to?

Photo: Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea.

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