February 13 — St. Nikita's Day. Ball lightning, sorcerers and races with pancakes
Krympress reports:
On February 13, according to the People’s Calendar, on the day of St. Nikita they recall the Bishop of Novgorod. This is one of the most famous Russian Orthodox saints — not only preached Christianity in Rus’, but also served as an example of piety. In 1547, Nikita Novgorod was ranked to the Holy of Saints.
Ordinary people believed that Nikita is the patron saint of fire. And on February 13, he was especially zealously prayed for protection against fires and lightning, including ball. In the people, this phenomenon caused real horror. Because no one could understand his nature — they associated with the fish of unclean forces. By the way, if a fire occurred on this day, then our ancestors were sure: demons and sorcerers are naughty, who, turning into fire balls, fly to plunge into the Jordan River. Save from such an adversity and called by Nikita Novgorod.
As for the weather, then:
- The clear lunar night of February 13 — tomorrow promises to be sunny.
- Sparrows insulate their nests with feathers — to a strong cold.
- A loud scream of the raven — to the snow storm and a snowstorm.
- I hoop on trees portends a clear night.
- The stove is poorly melted, but do not want to burn firewood? To heat.
- The thaw also portends white fire in the furnace, while red fire — to the cold.
- There is practically no traction in the furnace — to raw weather. The thrust is strong — to the cold.
- If there were no severe frosts for baptism, it will be very cold on this day.
- Circles in the sun — to the fruitful year.
- Sparrows insulate the nests — there will be a cold.
Name days on February 12 note: Ilya, Afanasy, Bogdan, Victor, Ivan, Nikita.
And today-straight for the sake of Shrovetide, which in 2018 fell on this date-the world celebrates International Pancake Day! And the holiday is especially popular in America and England. And if in the USA the first pancake celebration celebrated in 1950, then the British gave him much earlier. According to legend, the “tone set” the housewife from the town of Olnie in 1445. During Great Lent, she fried pancakes at her house. Secretly … Then there was a bell ringing suddenly. The poor woman was so frightened that she rushed from her kitchen to church, but not empty-handed-with a frying pan and pancakes with dust-jar.
They forgave the young lady for preparing a dishes forbidden in the post or not — a question, but from that moment an interesting tradition has been born: every year to arrange races with pans and pancakes. Only women ran before! Moreover, it is necessarily in dresses, aprons and heels. Now both men and children come to the start. Are you weak?
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