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Fonts in design: how to write so that everyone can see and understand

Fonts in design: how to write so that everyone can see and understand

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Experts emphasize: fonts play an extremely important role in design. Here are some of the main reasons why font choice is so important:

Conveying mood and tone:

  • fonts can evoke different emotional responses. For example, serif fonts are often perceived as more traditional and formal, while sans-serif fonts are more modern and simpler in appearance.

Readability and readability:

  • The correct choice of font affects the ease of reading the text. For example, fonts with good readability, such as Times New Roman or Arial, are better suited for long texts.
  • font size (size) and leading (line spacing) are also important for ease of reading.

Brand identity:

  • fonts help create a unique visual identity for a brand. For example, the Coca-Cola font is instantly recognizable and associated with the brand.

Hierarchy and structure:

  • Using different fonts, sizes, and styles helps create visual hierarchy, indicating the importance of different elements on the page. Headings, subheadings and body text should be visually distinguishable.

Consistency and Harmony:

  • Consistent use of fonts helps create a cohesive and professional look to the design. It is generally recommended to use no more than two or three different fonts in one project to avoid visual chaos.

Adaptability and versatility:

  • fonts should look good on different devices and screens. It is important that the fonts you choose are readable and responsive, especially in web design.

Target Audience Relevance:

  • fonts must meet the expectations and preferences of your target audience. For example, the fonts used in a children’s book will be very different from those used in corporate reports.

Licensing and Availability:

  • Some fonts have restrictions on use, especially commercial ones. It is important to ensure that you have the rights to use the selected font in your project.

Examples of using fonts in design:

  • Corporate Design: Helvetica, Arial or Times New Roman are often used for their neutral and professional look.
  • Creative Design: Unusual and artistic fonts can add uniqueness and expression.
  • web design: Google Fonts and other web fonts such as Open Sans or Roboto provide good readability and cross-platform compatibility.

In other words, font choice is not just an aesthetic choice, it is an important aspect of design that influences perception, readability and brand identity. A well-chosen font can greatly improve the overall impression of your project.

Font — who to trust with the selection

Font selection is usually done by designers specializing in graphic design, web design, typography or brand design. Note that the font selection process includes several stages.

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Who selects fonts?

  • graphic designers: create visual content for print and digital media.
  • web designers: focus on website design, ensuring good readability and compatibility of fonts across different devices and browsers.
  • typographers: specialists in the art and technique of typesetting, who work in detail on the selection of typefaces and their use.
  • brand designers: work on a brand’s visual identity, including logos and corporate identity, which often includes unique fonts.

Font selection process

Definition of goals and objectives:

  • understanding what project or brand requires a font, and what emotions and messages it should convey.
  • studying the target audience and its preferences.

Research and analysis:

  • studying different fonts and their features.
  • analysis of competitors and examples of successful use of fonts in similar projects.

Creating a moodboard:

  • collecting visual references and examples of fonts that may be suitable for the project.
  • using moodboard for discussion and agreement with the client or team.

Font selection and testing:

  • selecting several suitable fonts and testing them in the context of the project.
  • assessment of readability, aesthetics and consistency with the overall style.

Combining fonts:

  • selecting fonts that work well together (for example, for headings and body text).
  • checking their harmony and visual balance.

Creating a layout:

  • application of selected fonts in the design layout.
  • assessment of the general appearance and functionality of the layout.

Feedback and revision:

  • receiving feedback from the client or team.
  • making necessary adjustments and improvements.

Finalization and approval:

  • approval of the final choice of fonts.
  • preparing guidelines for the use of fonts, including sizes, spacing, and styles.

Tools and resources for selecting fonts

Font libraries:

  • Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, MyFonts and other resources provide a wide selection of fonts for various needs.

Typography Guides:

  • typography reference books and guides that help you better understand how to use fonts.

Design programs:

  • Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and other programs allow you to test and apply fonts in your design.

Plugins and extensions:

  • tools like WhatFont that help identify fonts on websites.

The font selection process requires both creativity and careful analysis to achieve an optimal result that is aesthetically pleasing and functional.

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