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For a resident of Dzhankoy, an assignment from the Ukrainian special services turned into punishment

For a resident of Dzhankoy, an assignment from the Ukrainian special services turned into punishment

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A 58-year-old resident of Dzhankoy was found guilty of illegally acquiring and storing explosive devices using information and telecommunications networks, including the Internet.

So, at the beginning of June last year, using a smartphone connected to the information and telecommunications network of a mobile operator and the Internet using the Treema Internet messenger, a man illegally purchased a homemade explosive device such as a homemade demolition charge containing a plastic charge as a charge. industrial high explosive for military use — PVV-5A, and a homemade incendiary pipe. He transferred these explosive devices and then illegally stored them in a cache specially equipped by him in the Dzhankoy district, until they were discovered and removed from illegal circulation by officers of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol— reported the press service of the court.

At the court hearing, the defendant did not admit his guilt and denied involvement in this crime. However, at the stage of the preliminary investigation, he explained that he acquired and stored explosives on the instructions of the Ukrainian special services.

The court, having comprehensively studied the case materials, taking into account mitigating circumstances, found the man guilty of committing a crime under paragraph “c” of Part 3 of Art. 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and sentenced him to 7 years of imprisonment in a maximum security correctional colony with a fine of 300,000 (three hundred thousand) rubles.

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