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“For the purpose of localizing security threats.” A special travel regime has been introduced on the border of Crimea and the Kherson region

“For the purpose of localizing security threats.” A special travel regime has been introduced on the border of Crimea and the Kherson region

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A special regime for movement across the border between the Republic of Crimea and the Kherson region was introduced by decree of the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov. Document posted on the official website of the regional government.

In order to localize threats to the safety of the population, military and other facilities located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea… introduce a special regime for entry into the territory of Crimea from the Kherson region and exit from the territory of the republic to the Kherson regionsays the decree.

The places of crossing the administrative border, in accordance with the decree, are the automobile checkpoints «Armensk», «Perekop», «Dzhankoy», as well as the railway points «Armensk» and «Dzhankoy». Crossing the border outside the specified checkpoints is prohibited.

Military columns must travel on specially designated roads in agreement with the Border Directorate of the FSB of Russia.

Crossing the administrative border between regions is possible only if you have the following documents:

— for foreign citizens or stateless persons — a valid identity document and recognized in accordance with international treaties by the Russian Federation in this capacity;

— for citizens of the Russian Federation — a valid document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

— for persons from among the military, law enforcement officers, security agencies of the Russian Federation (including as part of military columns) — a service certificate, a travel certificate, a service assignment, a combat order;

— for citizens of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation — a passport of a citizen of the Donetsk People’s Republic, a passport document identifying an individual living on the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic, a birth certificate (for persons not
over 16 years of age).

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If necessary, the border department of the FSB of Russia is ordered to restrict the movement of citizens and vehicles, conduct inspections, and involve territorial executive authorities in solving problems.

The bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs — in the absence of documents, establish the identity of those moving in accordance with the legal procedure, accept applications for temporary asylum, and inform Border Guard employees about the decisions made.

The tasks of technical equipment and maintenance of checkpoints are assigned to the Directorate for the Construction and Operation of Rosgranitsa Facilities.

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