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Forecasters about bad weather in Sevastopol: it was just heavy rain

Forecasters about bad weather in Sevastopol: it was just heavy rain

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The heavy rain that took place in Sevastopol on June 14 and 15, which was called the rain of the century on some Internet resources, was in fact not such. The Sevastopol Center for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring reported «Sevastopol newspaper», that during the evening of June 14 and the night of June 15, a total of 28 mm of precipitation fell, which is qualified by experts as heavy rain and a dangerous natural phenomenon. Another 4 mm of precipitation fell during June 15. The total amount of precipitation turned out to be very close to the monthly norm, which is 38 mm.

This is not the shower of the century. In November 2023, almost 80 mm of precipitation fell in Sevastopol within 24 hours— the weather forecasters reassured us somewhat.

According to them, it was the usual heavy rain for our summer, which happens every June.

In the near future, summer will regain its rights. No more rain is expected for now, and the thermometer will slowly but surely creep up. On June 18, during the day the air will warm up to 29 degrees, the next day — to 30, with the prospect of further warming. The next light rain may occur on June 19th.

source: «Sevastopol newspaper»

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