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Fraudsters were convicted in Crimea, who impersoned the representatives of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea «Krymenergo»

Fraudsters were convicted in Crimea, who impersoned the representatives of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea «Krymenergo»

Krympress reports:

The Saksky District Court of the Republic of Crimea examined the criminal case against two girls 25 and 34 years old, accused, including in fraud, committed by a group of persons by preliminary conspiracywith cause significant damage citizen.

The court established the circumstances of the crimes. Thus, the accused from another person, the materials of the criminal case in respect of which are allocated to separate proceedings, received an offer to illegally earn money under the guise of the provision of services for the replacement of electric meters for elderly consumers, the girls agreed, having entered into a criminal conspiracy with another person. According to the plan for the commission of a crime developed by another person, the accused had to check the electric meter, impersoning the representatives of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Krymenergo RK, which are not in fact. Intenting regarding the integrity of their intentions, the girls had to provide false information on the fact of replacing the electric meter in the household, as well as convince the citizen to transfer funds to them in payment of payment, the service they provided with the replacement of the electric meter, after which the funds received in an unlawful way to divide the money between the accomplices.

On January 23, 2025, the accused, acting by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, by deception, not being representatives of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Krymanergo RK, under the pretext of checking and replacing the electric meter penetrated into the household of residents of the village of Romashkino Saksky district. In view of the lack of cash with the owner of one of the households, the false workers of the energy organization proposed transferring money to replace the electric meter by phone number to the bank account of one of the accused, but since there was no mobile Internet, they failed to bring this crime to the end. Further, realizing his criminal intent in another household, the accused took possession of cash in the amount of 30,000 rubles, which the owner of the house, misleading, transferred them to the replacement of the electric meter.

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The accused fully pleaded guilty, repented of his deed, voluntarily compensated the property damage to the victim, and actively contributed to the disclosure and investigation of crimes.

The court found the girls guilty. One of the accused on the totality of crimes was sentenced to 200 hours of compulsory work. Another accused, in the presence of a criminal record for a previously committed intentional crime, taking into account the relapse,, according to the aggregate of sentences, was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 6 months with serving in a colony-settlement, as well as a fine of 50,000 rubles.

The sentence did not enter into legal force.

Source: press service of the Saksky District Court of the Republic of Crimea

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