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From July 22 to July 28, 43 Crimeans fell victim to remote fraudsters

From July 22 to July 28, 43 Crimeans fell victim to remote fraudsters

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The main schemes for scammers to “make money” from Crimeans:

— an unknown person calls on a cell phone or via instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber), introduces himself as an employee of a bank / Internet portal «Gosuslugi» / law enforcement agencies and reports that right now third parties are trying to gain access to an account or are taking out a loan in your name and that money urgently needs to be transferred to a «safe» or «reserve» account;

— an unknown person calls on a cell phone or writes via instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber), offers quick and profitable earnings by investing in the stock exchange, the stock exchange of a certain company or bank, increasing ratings on marketplaces;

— an unknown person writes via instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) on behalf of an acquaintance, friend, relative with a request to borrow money.

The Crimean police reminds: all this is a criminal pretext for stealing money by deception and intimidation. Do not panic, soberly assess the situation and call the appropriate institutions for clarification. Double-check the information carefully.


It is better to avoid telephone conversations with suspicious people who introduce themselves as employees of the bank, law enforcement agencies, etc.


The police were contacted 22 citizens who suffered from the actions of telephone scammers, one of them is a resident of the Saksky district. She filed a complaint with the police and reported that an unknown person called her, introduced himself as a law enforcement officer and said that her money was in «danger», unknown people were trying to steal it and that it was necessary to urgently «hide» it. To do this, the fake employee gave the woman the details by which she made a transfer in the amount of 1 million 400 thousand rubles. Later, after thinking it over, the applicant realized that she did not have access to the new account, and that she had been called by scammers.

14 of the specified number of CALLS were made via messengers (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber).

A resident of the Simferopol district filed a fraud report with the police. The man told the police that he had received a call on WhatsApp from a supposed bank employee who said that «criminals» had taken possession of his passport details and issued a loan. In order to «reduce the credit potential», it was necessary to take out a mirror loan and send the funds to the specified details. Panicking, the man sent more 2 million 500 thousand rubles, taken on credit. And after some time, having called the bank, I found out that such an operation as a “mirror” loan does not exist, it is a fraudulent scheme.

A man contacted the police of the Leninsky district and told the police that an unknown person called him on the Telegram messenger and introduced himself as a law enforcement officer. The fake employee offered the applicant to assist in the arrest of the criminal and send money to a safe account. Not realizing the absurdity of the situation, the man agreed and transferred the money to the specified details. 780 thousand rubles.

A resident of Yalta received a call in the WhatsApp messenger from an unknown person who introduced himself as an employee of the online portal «Gosuslugi» and said that it was necessary to «protect» funds from unauthorized write-offs, since «fraudsters» had hacked her personal account and seized personal data. To prevent the operation, she needed to get ahead of them. To do this, the woman sent 500 thousand rubles according to the specified details, but later it turned out that this was a fraudulent deception scheme.

Have you heard these words over the phone?

— “unknown persons are now taking out a loan in your name”;

— «You need to get ahead of the scammers and transfer your funds to a safe account»;

— “an investigator/inquiry officer/bailiff/FSB operative is calling you”;

— “a criminal case has been opened against you…”;

— “the term of the agreement for using the mobile operator’s services has expired…”.



People have fallen for the tricks of scammers who use social networks, instant messengers and Internet sites 19 citizens.

A resident of Simferopol contacted the police with a statement about fraud. The man said that an unknown person wrote to him in the WhatsApp messenger and offered to earn money by investing in bank shares, but first he needed to invest money so that the income would be higher. Following the instructions of the unknown person, the man sent money to the specified account about 1 million 500 thousand rublesbut it was not possible to earn money — after the transaction, the interlocutor’s account was deleted and no one contacted the applicant again.

A woman contacted the police of the Chernomorsky district. She told law enforcement that she wanted to buy concrete slabs through an online service of free advertisements. The applicant found a good offer and contacted the seller, who said that she needed to make an advance payment for the goods. The woman agreed and transferred 187 thousand rubles to the specified details, after which the “seller” deleted the ad and blocked the applicant.

A resident of Armyansk received a message on WhatsApp from a supposed work colleague who asked for a loan more 6 thousand rublesWithout thinking, the man transferred the funds to the specified details, and then found out that his friend’s account had been hacked by intruders.


Two citizens fell for the tricks of scammers — they followed links from an unknown source and installed malicious applications.

On the Internet, do not follow links from unknown people and do not enter your bank card details.

A resident of Simferopol contacted the police with a statement about fraud. The man said that he wanted to buy tickets for a performance via the Telegram messenger. He found a good offer on one of the channels and contacted the «seller», who sent the applicant a link to pay for the tickets. Unsuspectingly, the man entered his bank card details via the sent link, and after a while he received an SMS notification about the withdrawal of funds in the amount of 21 thousand 800 rublesbut the tickets were never sent by the «seller».

A resident of Feodosia fell for a similar scam: she wanted to buy an inflatable mattress via the Telegram messenger and, after following an unknown link, lost it. more than 20 thousand rubles.

source: press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea

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