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From July 29 to August 4, 58 Crimeans fell victim to remote fraudsters

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Based on the results of the past week, the most relevant schemes for remote deception of Crimeans are:

– an unknown person calls on a cell phone or via instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber), introduces himself as an employee of a bank/Internet portal “Gosuslugi”/law enforcement agencies and reports that money urgently needs to be transferred to a “safe” or “reserve” account;

– an unknown person calls on a cell phone or via instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber), introduces himself as an employee of a mobile operator and offers to improve the quality of cellular communication and the Internet or extend the user agreement;

— an unknown person calls on a cell phone or writes via instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber), offers quick and profitable earnings by investing in the stock exchange, the stock exchange of a certain company or bank;

— an unknown person writes via instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) on behalf of an acquaintance, friend, relative with a request to borrow money.

The Crimean police reminds: all this is a criminal pretext for stealing money by deception and intimidation. Do not panic, soberly assess the situation and call the appropriate institutions for clarification. Double-check the information carefully.

28 citizens were deceived through CALLS

A resident of Yevpatoria filed a complaint with the police and reported that an unknown person called her, introduced himself as an employee of a mobile operator and, under the pretext of extending the contract for using mobile communications and saving money, took possession of about 700 thousand rubles.

15 of the specified number of CALLS were made via messengers Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram.

A man contacted the Simferopol police and told them that an unknown person called him on the Telegram messenger and introduced himself as a law enforcement officer. The fake employee told the applicant that third parties had issued a loan in his name and that in order to cancel the application, he needed to send money to the specified details. Not realizing the absurdity of the situation, the man agreed and transferred it to an unknown account. more than 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

Have you heard these words over the phone?

— “unknown persons are now taking out a loan in your name”;

— «You need to get ahead of the scammers and transfer your funds to a safe account»;

— “an investigator/inquiry officer/bailiff/FSB operative is calling you”;

— “a criminal case has been opened against you…”;

— “the term of the agreement for using the mobile operator’s services has expired…”.


26 citizens were deceived via INTERNET SITES, SOCIAL NETWORKS

Remember that you need to be very careful on the Internet. Do not trust strangers offering easy or quick money. If a friend writes to you asking for a loan, you should personally call him back and make sure that his account has not been hacked by unknown people. When buying a thing or a service, make sure that these are not scammers — pay for the goods after receiving them, buy only from a trusted person who you or someone you know has bought before.


NEVER Do not follow unknown links or install applications offered to you by unknown persons.

If you have become a victim of fraud, immediately report it to the police or call the single number 102 or submit a written statement to any nearest police station.

source: press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea

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