Geodetic signs in the Crimea: they need and it is important to protect them. Why and why?
Krympress reports:
If you were in the Crimean mountains, you probably noticed concrete pillars with signs or metal structures in the form of pyramids or tripods. These are geodetic signs that note the location of the points of the state geodetic network (GGS). They play a key role in cartography, land management and navigation, helping to accurately determine the coordinates, conduct land surveying and create cards.
Unfortunately, not everyone knows that these signs are under state protection, and their damage entails serious fines.
Why are geodetic points so important?
These objects were laid down for decades-many of them appeared back in the 70-90s of the last century. They are designed for a long service life, but often suffer from natural factors and human activity. For example, metal pyramids are often handed over to scrap metal or demolished during construction work, which complicates the search for points on the ground.
REFERENCE: On the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol there are 1258 points of the GGS. Over the past three years, the experts of the Rosreestr Office in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol checked 400 of them, but some have already been lost.
However, the unique triangulation sign of the Ai-Petrin Meridian has survived to this day-the oldest of the geodetic points preserved in the Crimea. This geodetic sign was intended 112 years ago to study the Crimean mountains. Thanks to this sign, work was carried out on the construction of hydraulic structures. For cartographers, Ai-Petrin Meridian is a well-known concept due to the accurate to minutes by its longitude and breadth, as well as an altitude of 1196 meters at which it is located.
To date, the Department of Geodesy and Cartography of Management monitors the safety of both old and new signs. Despite the development of computer technology, these designs are still important.
What does the law say?
According to the Land Code of the Russian Federation, owners of land are required to maintain geodetic signs. A security zone has been installed around each item, where work is prohibited that can damage it or complicate access.
The violators are responsible:
- Destruction or damage to signs — a fine of 5,000 to 200,000 rubles (depending on the status of the violator).
- Failure to damage or refusal to access the point is a fine of up to 5,000 rubles.
How to help?
If you notice a damaged or destroyed geodetic sign, inform the Office of Rosreestr in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.
Careful attitude to these objects helps maintain the accuracy of geodata necessary for the development of infrastructure and land accounting.
If you find a geodetic point, write or call us in management, describe the whereabouts of the geodetic point where it was discovered and its condition. If possible, take photos of the outer sign and save the geomete on the phone. Thus, you can contribute to the preservation of the history and heritage of our country— notes the head of the department of geodesy and cartography of the Office of Rosreestr in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol Julia Isosina.
Email address:
Phone: 8 (8692) 41-74-13 or 8 (978) 938-05-88.
We remind you that all GGS points are state property, their damage or destruction is punishable.
Source: press service Office of Rosreestr in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
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