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Gian Piero Gasperini: the path to success through hard work and tactical innovation

Gian Piero Gasperini: the path to success through hard work and tactical innovation

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Gian Piero Gasperini began to implement his head coaching ideas by working with the Juventus youth team. His innovative approach to playing three central defenders was seen by many as a return to the ultra-defensive catenaccio. However, Gasperini had his own opinion on this matter. His teams did not wait for their opponents’ mistakes; they did everything to force them to make mistakes. Intense pressure and quick flank attacks made the game of Gasperini’s teams truly spectacular. It is natural that top sports betting almost always include bets on matches between the teams of the Italian coach.

In an interview many years ago, Gasperini quoted Sun Tzu: “Defense makes you invincible, but if you want to win, you must attack.” After successful periods at Crotone and Genoa, they even began to call him Gasperson, comparing him with Sir Alex Ferguson. Even the disastrous experience at Inter did not shake his faith in his principles.

Test at Inter and support from Guardiola

At the head of the Nerazzurri, Gasperini did not win a single official match and left the club due to disagreements with the management. However, this bad experience opened up new opportunities for him. Immediately after his dismissal, he was invited to training by Pep Guardiola. The support of one of the best coaches in the world has greatly helped Gasperini. Guardiola later admitted that playing against Gasperini’s teams was like going to the dentist: it was always unpleasant.

Return to Genoa and new beginning at Atalanta

Having returned stability to Genoa, which had become a strong middle peasant, Gasperini accepted Atalanta’s offer. Here he was able to unleash his potential and fully implement his ideas. Under his leadership, the club immediately took fourth place in Serie A and began to perform consistently in European competition. New stars began to emerge on the team, highlighting the effectiveness of his approach.

Training Philosophy: Working Extra Hard and Unlocking Your Talents

The basis of Gasperini’s success in Bergamo was intense work. It was not only the obsession of the coach himself, who, according to his wife, often wakes up in the middle of the night to write down a new idea, but also the hard physical work in training, forcing the players to give their all. Papu Gomez noted that Atalanta is the only team that rests on match day, because on all other days they run like hell. The match becomes a cakewalk after a week of training. The young Christian Vieri, who met Gasperini in the Juve youth team, called him a “footballer killer.”

Gasperini training: physical and tactical training

Gasperini believes that it is hard work that allows his players to reach their potential. He cited the example of Papa Gomez, who before his arrival did not play at such a high level due to insufficient training intensity. Another example is Josip Ilicic, who was called “granny” for his slow pace of play. Under Gasperini’s influence, he changed his approach to training and became a «professor», raising his level of play.

Spinazzola said that during training they run up to 12 kilometers. For Gasperini, not just running is important, but also meaningful movements with the ball. He points out that even after 90 minutes of playing, the brain must make the right decisions. Therefore, in training, they practice team pressing and runs over and over again, bringing everything to automaticity.

Changing the mindset of attacking players

Gasperini is also getting his attacking players to improve by changing their outlook. For example, he advised Papa Gomez to pay attention to the referee, who always takes the most advantageous position on the field. This is how the Argentine learned to operate between the lines. He had similar conversations with Mario Pasalic and Ruslan Malinovsky, helping them adapt their game to the coach’s requirements.

Success at Atalanta and new stars

The biggest examples of Gasperini’s success at Atalanta have been the re-emergence of talents such as Charles De Ketelare and Gianluca Scamacca. After moving from Milan, where De Ketelare made just one assist in 40 matches, he has already scored 14 goals and 9 assists in Bergamo. Scamacca also remembered how to score, finally returning to big-time football.

Gian Piero Gasperini’s path to success was not easy and full of challenges. From his work with the Juventus youth team to his failures and triumphs at various clubs, his career has been an example of how perseverance, innovation and dedication to one’s principles can lead to outstanding results. Gasperini continues to influence Italian football by unveiling new talent and achieving success with Atalanta, showing that hard work and a strategic approach can lead to big wins.

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