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Government of Sevastopol: clarification on payment of compensation for damage caused by bad weather

Government of Sevastopol: clarification on payment of compensation for damage caused by bad weather

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On behalf of the governor, applications are being accepted for payment of compensation for damage from the consequences of bad weather in November 2023 and rain floods in January 2024. According to the governor’s decree, a state of emergency was established in some areas of Sevastopol, which provides for compensation for damage caused by bad weather.

If your home is not located on the territory where, in accordance with by decree a state of emergency has been declared, but the consequences of bad weather caused damage to your property, you need to contact the municipality with a corresponding application to assess the damage. A special commission will consider each such application.

If your home is located in a territory where, in accordance with the decree, a state of emergency has been established, then you will receive the payment, the amount of which is established by Decree of the Government of Sevastopol No. 1240, through the Department of Labor and Social Protection. If this amount does not cover the actual amount of damage, then the decision on additional payments will be made by the above commission.

To assess the damage and submit an application for compensation, you must contact the local government authorities of the intra-city municipalities of the city of Sevastopol. If you have already submitted an application and employees of the municipal administration have already come to draw up a damage report, then you do not need to apply again.

The commission will consider each application received and draw up a separate damage assessment report for each case.

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source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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