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Greenhouse enterprises in Crimea began planting vegetable seedlings for the 2024 harvest

Greenhouse enterprises in Crimea began planting vegetable seedlings for the 2024 harvest

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Crimean greenhouse enterprises have begun planting vegetable seedlings for the 2024 harvest. This was reported by the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea Alime Zaredinova. According to her information, in 2023, the gross harvest of protected soil vegetables in all categories of farms (agricultural organizations, peasant farms, individual entrepreneurs and the population) amounted to more than 42 thousand tons, which is 3% higher than in 2022. According to preliminary forecasts, this year farmers expect a harvest no less than last year’s level.

The main crops that our greenhouse enterprises grow are cucumbers, tomatoes, and bell peppers. In the Republic, 8 large enterprises operate in this direction, including Buton LLC, Don-Agro LLC, Crimean Vegetable Factory LLC, Green World LLC, Avsen Agro-Industrial Complex LLC, Fanels-TT LLC, LLC «Krymteplitsa», LLC Greenhouse plant «Belogorsky» and peasant farms— commented Alime Zaredinova.

Greenhouse enterprises in Crimea began planting vegetable seedlings for the 2024 harvest

The First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Crimea also added that such enterprises receive state support every year. The republican budget compensates for part of the costs of energy resources: electricity, gas, as well as additional lighting technology, thanks to which optimal temperature and lighting are maintained in greenhouses for ripening vegetables.

Last year, Crimean enterprises received about 14 million rubles in subsidies in these areas. This year, about 24 million rubles are allocated for this area.

Greenhouse enterprises in Crimea began planting vegetable seedlings for the 2024 harvest

Photo: Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea.

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