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Head of the Crimean Parliament Vladimir Konstantinov congratulates on National Unity Day

Head of the Crimean Parliament Vladimir Konstantinov congratulates on National Unity Day

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On November 4, our country celebrates National Unity Day. On this holiday, it is appropriate to remember the turning points, fateful episodes of our national history. Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov recalled these milestones in his congratulations.

This is also the salvation of a country devastated by the Time of Troubles, when the Russian state disappeared for some time. There was a Polish garrison in Moscow, and the ancestors of the current murderers and sadists from “Azov”, “Aidar” and other gangster formations scoured the whole country, reaching as far as the Urals in their predatory raids. Then only the unity of the people, their self-organization, clearly manifested in the Militia, made it possible to stop the bloody orgy of the Time of Troubles, put an end to foreign intervention, and save our statehood, our nascent civilization.

By the way, along with the Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavl men, representatives of many Volga peoples who had recently become part of Russia fought in the Minin and Pozharsky Militiarecalled Vladimir Konstantinov.

The head of the Crimean parliament noted the national feat of 1812, which made it possible to repel the invasion of the Russian borders of a united Europe led by the “invincible” Napoleon, and the most difficult test of the Great Patriotic War, which united dozens of nationalities of the USSR into a single people.

We remember all these events and are well aware of how decisive they were for our unity, bequeathed to us by our ancestors. We do not forget about those moments in our multifaceted history when the instinct of unity did not work. This always resulted in severe defeats, loss of sovereignty and a halt in historical development, throwing us back from the achieved milestones.

These lessons were also not in vain. However, not all of our compatriots have mastered them equally successfully. If it were not so, Ukraine would not have slipped to its current state; there would simply be no chance of establishing a Nazi American colonial regime on its territory.

It was precisely the forgetting of the lessons of our past, the behests of our heroic ancestors that led to the fact that people, cut off from a single state body and confused by pro-Western propaganda, exchanged their ethnic identity, civilizational affiliation: their native language, their fatherly faith, their history and nationality for the lentil stew of the notorious “European integration”. pride,” emphasized Vladimir Konstantinov.

He especially noted recent events, which, among other things, determine the future of our people.

We see how, following Crimea, the path of national and civilizational betrayal was rejected by Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. There is no doubt that other regions of the former Ukraine will follow our example.

The Crimean example became the most important factor in strengthening all-Russian national unity. Our victory, which allowed us to return to our homeland, became a victory for the entire Russian world, world forces sympathetic to Russia. We have opened a new page in world historysaid the speaker of the Crimean parliament.

According to Vladimir Konstantinov, during the Crimean Spring, the importance of Crimea for the Russian world, for Russian unity, was clearly demonstrated.

Our President Vladimir Putin defined it as a sacred place for Russia. Russophobes of all sizes understand this. That’s why they’ve got such a hold on us, they’re trying to hit us with blockades, sanctions, and terrorist attacks. If they had the opportunity, they would have incinerated Crimea, put an end to the Crimeans as a regional community with cruel repressions, and then, on the ruins of the peninsula, would have rewritten our history. But the main thing is that they would not leave us any prospects for the future.

If previously such assumptions were based on an analysis of the direction of development of the Ukrainian state under the leadership of Russophobic regimes, now they have been proven by their practice. It is enough to look at what they have turned into the territories of the former Ukraine that remain under their control, their population, by the way, are not strangers to us, who have been raised for years and decades in fierce hatred towards us, in fact, towards themselves.

Therefore, the Special Military Operation became inevitable, and its goals of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine became an urgent necessity.says the text of the congratulations from the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.

Vladimir Konstantinov is confident that there is simply no other way to restore national unity with our Ukrainian brothers.

But we can free the remnants of Ukraine from the neo-Nazi, Russophobic chaos only under the banner of national unity — the revival of the Russian world, our return to our civilizational home from a Westernized foreign land. Otherwise, the goals and meaning of the SVO become blurred and incomprehensible. At the same time, we realize that on the fields of Ukraine we encountered not the gangs of the criminal Kyiv regime, but the collective West standing behind them.

In fact, this is a civilizational struggle that is being waged not only at the front, but also in the economic sphere, in the process of forming alliances and promoting one’s foreign policy principles. Each of our fellow citizens and compatriots can take part in this struggle in their own place.

Of course, at the very forefront are those who are waging armed struggle, risking their lives at every second. We are obliged to support them in every possible way, and to surround their families with care. But at the same time, work aimed at strengthening the economic power of our country, developing and promoting its culture, disseminating historical knowledge in society, instilling patriotism in it — all this is also a significant contribution to the approach of our Victory,” noted Vladimir Konstaninov.

The Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea emphasized: today we must do everything in our power for our common, one for all, Victory, for the development and prosperity of the Russian world — our unique civilization. He concluded:

This is also important because we are entering an era of civilizations, when civilizational states and civilizational associations of states will solve world problems and form new parameters of the world order. In order for Russia to fully participate in this process, for its voice to have weight, and for its interests to be taken into account, we need popular unity more than ever.

Crimeans, with their historic choice made in 2014, proved that we know the true price of national unity. We preferred returning home to promises of joining European prosperity; we chose our home, not the Western trough.

We did not return to Russia for high salaries and pensions. We sought to be with our people in their joys and troubles, in the days of their triumphs and trials. And we managed to occupy our Crimean trench by the time the civilizational confrontation with the West escalated to the limit. We have never regretted our choice. We are ready to defend it with all the methods available to us, including with weapons in our hands.

Long live our great Motherland! Long live our great people, invincible in their unity! Long live our Victory! Happy holiday! Happy National Unity Day!

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