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Help in this matter is definitely needed, though: reasons to contact a realtor when buying an apartment

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Buying an apartment is not only a search for a suitable option and registration of documents: it is a long and responsible journey, the quality of which depends on how comfortable and happy life in a new apartment will be. Do I need a realtor to buy a home? This question causes a lot of discussion, and we are ready not only to answer it, but also to explain in detail how a real estate agent can help you.

There are many reasons why you should contact a realtor — in the material of the portal Overview of the market for new buildings collected basic.

Reason 1. You will save your time

Finding an apartment is a slow process. First you need to decide on the location, the format of the property. If we are talking about a «secondary», you will need to look through dozens of options, talk with the owners, study the documents. If about the «primary» — check the reliability and financial condition of the developer, assess the liquidity of the project, look at urban plans, choose the optimal layout. Each step takes a lot of time, and if you are a busy person, you will have to sacrifice something — devote less time to work processes, communicate with your family, or let the purchase go by itself, choosing the first option that comes across. The latter is highly undesirable. If you entrust the work to a realtor, it will be enough for you to tell him about your preferences, and then look at the selected lots, which you will like with a 90% probability. The realtor will take care of communicating with the seller, interacting with the developer, preparing documents, and, if necessary, will help in obtaining a mortgage. As a rule, the agent makes visual presentations — this helps to quickly evaluate the property.

Reason 2. The purchase will be safe

Any real estate transaction is fraught with risks. If you buy an apartment on the secondary market, you may encounter unscrupulous sellers and scammers and lose your money. And even if the purity of the transaction is at its best, there are a lot of nuances that should be taken into account — it is necessary to check whether the building is in an emergency condition, whether it is planned to be demolished. Or maybe in two years a multi-lane highway will pass under the windows? Sometimes problems are connected with the already existing environment — unreliable neighbors or bad ecology. In a rush, the buyer may not focus on the details on which the comfort of living depends. Agents are well aware of the inner workings and notice the cons with a clear mind. They have a clear knowledge of neighborhoods and locations—sometimes they don’t even have to go see a house to talk about its shortcomings.

In the primary market, the security of purchase is no less important — especially when it comes to an object under construction. Will the house be delivered on time? Will they manage to hand over the keys as stated in the project declaration? And how well will the residential complex be built? A St. Petersburg realtor will answer these questions for you — he will tell you which developers are in the top, who builds on time, who is of high quality, and who has the best layouts. You will not be limited to information from the Internet — you will have a real person in front of you, to whom you can ask all your questions and make the right choice.

Reason 3. You will save money

Many buyers believe that the participation of a real estate agent in the transaction leads to additional expenses. And, on the one hand, this is true — the agent takes a commission for his services. But on the other hand, you can save money due to his experience and knowledge. It works simply: if you hire a specialist to sell your apartment, you can count on the realtor to sell it for the highest possible price (after all, the amount of his commission depends on the amount of the transaction). In addition, the specialist has life hacks developed over the years of practice, a clear understanding of the advantages of objects. In the same way — when buying an apartment, he will be able to get a discount for a much larger amount than a person who has never bought real estate before.

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In the case of the «primary» the situation is different: you do not pay the realtor — the commission is paid by the developer. Thus, you get the services of an agent absolutely free. An additional bonus: the agent knows about the best special offers, promotions, gifts from developers and subsidies. Sometimes it turns out to save up to 1 million or more rubles on one transaction.

Reason 4. Each stage of the transaction is under the strict control of a specialist

You can not worry that an error has crept into the equity agreement, or that there are fatal flaws in the bank receipt, which is compiled by the seller and the buyer in the secondary market: all documents will be carefully checked, the information will be conveyed to each participant in the transaction exactly in time. term. The agent will remind you of the meeting time, call several times and clarify what documents you need to bring with you. The most important task of a realtor is to form a good reputation for himself and his agency, so he will never take risks and treat his tasks negligently — he is well aware of how this can turn out for his career.

Reason 5. Unbiased assessment

No matter how responsible and serious the buyer is, he is subject to emotions: he often chooses by sensations. Especially when it comes to new buildings with strong marketing. On renderings and in the developer’s office, he receives only positive information, and his brain immediately imagines an ideal life in an ideal house. In fact, advertising information and reality are not always the same. Developers are ready to promise a lot — from the construction of roads and social facilities to planting a park in the yard and cladding facades with natural materials — at the initial stage of construction. Some of them tell the truth, others use tricks to attract the maximum number of buyers. An experienced realtor understands the peculiarities of the primary market, he is not subject to momentary impulses and will definitely tell who keeps his promises and who does not always.

If you are delighted with the large kitchen area and decide to turn a blind eye to “minor flaws”, the agent will definitely remind you that there is an industrial zone next door, and it takes an hour and a half to walk to the metro at a fast pace. He will be the very person who will not allow you to make a spontaneous purchase and provide you with a happy future.

Of course, not every realtor is a professional. In order for the transaction to be successful and you become a happy owner of a new apartment, you need to find a reliable specialist. To do this, we recommend that you contact trusted large agencies and, before signing the contract, talk with an agent who will help you. You can find out how many deals he has under his belt and how he feels about work. Remember, a reliable realtor will turn a complex and risky process into a predictable, safe and enjoyable experience.

source: Overview of the market for new buildings

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