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Help is coming from the air: how and who is evacuating people from the water surface in Crimea

Help is coming from the air: how and who is evacuating people from the water surface in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The employees of the State Institution of the Republic of Crimea «Krym-SPAS» conducted a training session on working with the standard rescue equipment of the Mi-8 helicopter during the evacuation of «victims» from the water surface. The training session was attended by 8 rescuers from the Simferopol emergency rescue squad of the State Institution of the Republic of Crimea «Krym-SPAS» together with pilots of the Simferopol aviation unit of the Southern aviation rescue center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The practical session took place in the village of Nikolaevka, Simferopol district.

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