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How to taste water correctly?

How to taste water correctly?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Water tasting is a fun process that allows you to evaluate its taste, aroma, and overall impression. Like wine or coffee tasting, this type of tasting requires certain skills and knowledge. In this article, we will look at step-by-step instructions on how to properly taste water and identify its features.

Preparing for tasting

Before you start tasting, you need to order water and prepare everything you need:

  1. Clean transparent glasses for tasting. They should be odorless and free of detergent residue.
  2. The water itself: fresh, room temperature. Chilled or warm water can distort the sensations.
  3. Notepad and pen for recording impressions and scores.
  4. Neutral snacks, such as unsalted crackers or bread, to refresh your taste buds between tastings.
  5. Clean drinking water for rinsing the mouth between samples.

Visual assessment

Start with a visual assessment. Pour a small amount into a glass and observe its color, clarity, and the presence of bubbles:

  • The color of the water should be transparent, without any extraneous shades.
  • transparency — should be crystal clear, without suspended matter or cloudiness.
  • bubbles — their presence may indicate carbonation or mineralization.

Take notes on the visual characteristics in a notebook.

Aroma rating

The next step is to evaluate the aroma of the water. Smell it carefully, taking several deep breaths:

  • the absence of aroma is a sign of clean, fresh.
  • foreign odors — may indicate contamination or the presence of chlorine.
  • mineral aroma is evidence of high mineralization.

Describe the scent in a notebook.


Now let’s move on to the most important part — tasting the water. Take a small sip and hold it in your mouth to fully experience the taste:

  • Pay attention to the initial sensations — sweetness, sourness, saltiness or bitterness.
  • evaluate the density and texture — it should be light and refreshing.
  • determine the presence and intensity of the aftertaste — it should be pleasant and unobtrusive.

Make notes about your taste sensations in a notebook.

Overall impression rating

Finally, rate the overall impression based on visual, aromatic and taste characteristics:

  • How balanced and harmonious is the water?
  • Does it match the stated characteristics (for example, “soft” or “mineral”)?
  • How refreshing and thirst quenching is water?

Give an overall rating to the water on a 10-point scale in your notebook.

Tasting Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you during the tasting process:

  1. Taste the water in a quiet and calm environment to fully focus on the sensations.
  2. Take breaks between tastings to refresh your taste buds.
  3. Remember to practice good hygiene — use clean glasses and change the water you use to rinse your mouth.
  4. Write down your impressions in a notebook so that you can later remember the features of each sample.
  5. Be open to experimentation — taste water from different producers and sources.

Water tasting is a fun activity that allows you to take a fresh look at this familiar drink. By following these tips and developing your taste buds, you can become a true connoisseur of water and discover the amazing variety of its flavors and aromas. Enjoy your tasting!

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