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Illegal migrants will be prohibited from buying apartments, transferring money and getting married in Russia

Illegal migrants will be prohibited from buying apartments, transferring money and getting married in Russia

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Deputies, reports «Parliamentary newspaper», proposed to limit the period of stay of foreigners in Russia to 90 days annually. For those who violate the stay regime or commit crimes, a deportation regime will be introduced. Such decisions can be made not only by the court, but also by the police. Migrants who are decided to be sent home will be included in the Register of Controlled Persons. These people, while still in our country, will not be able to get married, purchase real estate and transport here, register companies, obtain a driver’s license, open bank accounts and transfer money. The State Duma adopted such a package of bills (No. 614967-8 and No. 615003-8) in the first reading at a plenary session on June 18.

Special regime

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russia ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of migrants. More than 600 thousand foreigners are in our country illegally, many of whom commit crimes. For example, in the Moscow region, from June 3 to June 9, a special raid was carried out; as a result, the police drew up 3,200 reports of administrative violations and 800 reports of illegal labor activities of migrants. After verification, more than 1.5 thousand foreigners will be expelled from Russia.

To combat illegal migration and strengthen control over visitors, deputies proposed changes to the legislation. According to the co-author of the package of bills, member of the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation Dmitry Vyatkin, it is proposed to introduce a special migration regime of deportation for those foreigners who are illegally staying in Russia or have violated the law. Anyone subject to deportation will be included in the Register of Controlled Persons.

The mode is reversible, — Vyatkin emphasized.

For example, a foreigner overstayed the allowed period of stay in Russia, did not report it, and was automatically placed on the register. But he may be expelled from there if he resolves all issues related to the legality of his stay in Russia.

What will be prohibited for illegal immigrants?

The register of controlled persons will be maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the migrants included there will be subject to several restrictions until they leave Russia or legalize their stay.

Such migrants may be prohibited from traveling outside a certain region or municipality, buying cars or apartments, getting married, registering a business, transferring money, or making purchases with funds from their bank account in an amount exceeding 30 thousand rubles. With this money you are allowed to buy tickets to return home and pay fines. Illegal immigrants will be denied a driver’s license and prohibited from driving. These restrictions will not allow them to lead their usual lives, the authors of the initiative believe.

An important provision of the bill concerns the reduction of the permitted time of stay in Russia.

If previously you could come for 90 days, then leave for 90 days and come again for the same period during the year, now you can stay in Russia for no more than 90 days during the year.,” explained Konstantin Zatulin, co-author of the initiative, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, to the Parliamentary Newspaper.

Those who have legal grounds for this, such as a labor patent or work permit, will be able to stay in the country for a longer period of time.

To maintain the right to enter Russia, foreigners will need to adhere to a certain code of conduct. According to the bill, visitors are obliged to respect the diversity of our country’s traditions and cultural and moral values, not to interfere in domestic and foreign policy, and not to finance prohibited organizations.

The need for new legislative norms is caused by the obvious shortcomings of migration policy and legislation that have come to light in recent years, emphasized Konstantin Zatulin.

In the context of a special military operation in Ukraine and a patriotic war with a coalition of NATO countries, tough measures are required to prevent Russia from being viewed as a gateway and abusing its hospitalitysaid the parliamentarian.

The police will receive new powers

The second bill introduces corresponding changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses, expanding the powers of internal affairs bodies. Currently, only a court can make a decision on the expulsion of foreigners from Russia. They also want to give these powers to the police. Police will be able to place citizens subject to deportation in special institutions.

Once the migrant is included in the Register of Controlled Persons, the police will have additional opportunities to collect information and search. In particular, police will be able to request information about bank accounts and financial transactions of migrants, monitor them and their accomplices, freely enter houses and apartments, areas where migrants live, their place of work, and detain violators of the rules of stay in Russia.

The package of bills was supported in the first reading by deputies of all factions of the State Duma. Many suggested introducing stricter restrictions, such as visa requirements, for all migrants.

source: «Parliamentary newspaper»

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