Important: a memo on measures of prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, community -acquired pneumonia and new coronavirus infection
Krympress reports:
Influenza, SARS, new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)-acute respiratory viral infections that have worldwide distribution, affect all age groups of people.
Viruses are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, mainly by air with a drip path (when sneezing, coughing). All three diseases are similar and cause acute respiratory diseases in a person with similar symptoms (high body temperature, chills, headache, weakness, nasal congestion, coughing, shortness of breath, muscles, lacrimation and carvings in the eyes, in some cases — nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). One of the most common complications is pneumonia, which may be accompanied by respiratory failure of varying severity.
The most susceptible to the disease of the face over 65 years old, suffering from chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, cardiovascular diseases), faces with weakened immunity, pregnant women.
The most effective tool in the prevention of influenza is vaccination. Every person who cares about his health and the health of others needs vaccination. Timely vaccination reduces the incidence of influenza by several times, softens the course of the disease, reduces its duration, and prevents complications. The flu vaccination is best done to the epidemiological period.
Measures of non -specific prevention of acute viral respiratory diseases can significantly reduce the risks of the disease and prevent the spread of viral infection:
Observe personal hygiene:
- Avoid touching your nose, mouth, eyes;
- When coughing, sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with disposable napkins;
- use only individual personal hygiene items (towel, toothbrush);
- often wash your hands with soap water, including washing after returning from the street, contacts with other people (in the absence of the opportunity to wash your hands with soap, use alcohol -containing or disinfectant napkins);
- Limit the tight hugs and handshakes when greeting.
- An individual mask to protect the respiratory system with possible contacts with people (in transport, in contact with unauthorized persons, when caring for patients).
— the mask must be carefully fixed, tightly close the mouth and nose, leaving no gaps;
— When it removes the mask, do not touch the surfaces of the mask, if you touch it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or alcohol;
— Do not use a secondary disposable mask;
— The used disposable mask is immediately thrown into waste.
Adhere to the principles of social distance:
- Maintain a distance with other people at least 2 meters.
Observe a healthy lifestyle:
- full sleep;
- food consumption rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals,
- Physical activity.
- In the premises of your stay, regular moist cleaning using disinfectants and frequent ventilation;
- Processing with disinfectants or napkins of the surface with which you are in contact (tables, door handles, chairs, gadgets and others).
- contacts with patients with respiratory viral diseases;
- visits to places with a cluster of a large number of people;
- During the flu epidemic, SARS, the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)-the use of urban public transport, visits to guests.
At the first signs of the disease, ensure security measures for others:
- Stay at home and urgently call the doctor at home;
- limit contacts with other family members as much as possible;
- often wash your hands with soap water;
- use separate dishes;
- ensure frequent ventilation of the room, processing of contact surfaces by household detergents and disinfectant napkins;
- Immediately call the doctor at home;
- Suspended the doctor’s instructions.
In cases of a disease of a family member, one person should care for the patient:
- Give the patient a separate room in the apartment (if this is not possible, observe a distance of at least 1 meter from the patient);
- Limit to a minimum contact between patients and other close, especially children, elderly people and people suffering from chronic diseases;
- often ventilate the premises of the apartment;
- Keep clean: wash and disinfect the surface as often as possible with household detergents;
- When caring for the patient, cover your mouth and nose with a mask and often wash your hands with soap water;
- Call the doctor at home;
- Suspended the doctor’s recommendations.
Conduct a conversation:
- With children about measures of prevention of acute respiratory infections.
It should be remembered that compliance with all prevention measures will protect against you and the people around you from the diseases of the flu and its adverse consequences.
Prevention of community -acquired pneumonia
Navalic pneumonia belongs to the most common acute infectious diseases. This infectious disease begins due to the general weakening of the body. The most severe pneumonia occurs in the elderly and in people with the presence of concomitant diseases (oncological and hematological diseases, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, kidney and liver disease, viral infections and others).
Typically, the incidence of migrant pneumonia is observed during the period of rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, but the incidence can be recorded at any time of the year.
What is extra -acquired pneumonia?
Small pneumonia is an acute infectious disease that has occurred in mercenary conditions (outside the hospital).
How is infection?
Most often, pneumococci are pneumococci. However, the disease can occur when infected with other bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Microorganisms that cause extra -acquired pneumonia can penetrate the human body at home, during contact with the environment, at the time of stay in places and institutions with a large accumulation of the people, through the upper respiratory tract (with cough, conversation, sneezing).
How does the disease flow?
Suspicion of pneumonia should occur if the patient has a fever in combination with complaints of cough, shortness of breath, sputum and/or chest pain. Patients that carry pneumonia often complain of unmotivated weakness, fatigue, severe sweating at night. After a conversation with the doctor, a general examination is carried out. To clarify the diagnosis and identify various aspects, the patient is prescribed an X -ray examination of the chest.
Prevention of community -acquired pneumonia
· Follow the hygiene of your hands. Wash your hands with water and soap as often as possible, especially after coughing or sneezing. Also effective are means for processing hands based on alcohol.
· Cover your mouth and nose with a paper towel during coughing or sneezing. If you do not have a napkin, with a cough or sneezing, cover yourself with an elbow or shoulder, not your hands.
· Stay at home if you or your child is ill, for at least 24 hours after the temperature slept or disappeared its symptoms (and the patient did not take antipyretic drugs). To prevent the spread of the disease, the patient should remain at home.
· It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle: to engage in physical education and sports, to make frequent walks in the fresh air.
· A healthy full nutrition with a sufficient content of proteins, trace elements and vitamins is necessary (daily in the diet there should be fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, milk and dairy products).
· Observe the ventilation and wet cleaning modes in the premises.
· Before the onset of cold weather and the incidence of respiratory infections, the flu is a vaccine, since pneumonia is often a complication of influenza. Despite the fact that vaccinated people can also suffer from pneumonia, their disease is easier than that in -vaccinated.
· Make a vaccine against pneumococcal infection. Remember that in the world up to 80% of the pathogens of community -acquired pneumonia are precisely pneumococci.
· During the period of raising the incidence of influenza, it is recommended to avoid contact with sick people, use the mask to protect the respiratory system, and refrain from visiting places with a large crowd of people.
It is necessary to remember: if you are ill or your child, you need not to lead the child to the garden, school, but consult a doctor. In serious condition, it is necessary to call a doctor at home, and in no case do not self -medicate.
Source: press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea
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