In a week, scammers lure more than 20 million rubles from Crimeans. This is on average
Krympress reports:
The latest trends in fraud against Crimeans: a new distance scheme with a video call through the messenger from the allegedly “employee” of law enforcement agencies in the form and against the background of a banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs demanding a transfer of money to a “safe” account;
The injured residents of the peninsula are asking for assistance in the police, from the authorities, the Popular Front and even on a direct line with the president.
Good news: the Crimean police officers managed to bring down a wave of registrations according to the scheme of “your relative got into an accident”, as well as help many applied. Well, the main guarantee of the struggle is still personal vigilance against yourself and your loved ones— said Natalya Kashkarova, head of the information and public relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Crimea.
The head of the NF Executive Committee Mikhail Kuznetsov presented the results of the people’s survey throughout the Russian Federation at a meeting with the president: 85% of Russian citizens faced telephone fraud, of which about 10% lost money. Frequent “legend” of scammers — a call from law enforcement agencies (received 67%of respondents), a call from the bank (60%) or a call from the cellular operator (57%).
Most fraudulent schemes are implemented through access to a person’s personal account in public services. Upon receipt of the specified access, the attackers quickly change 3 key identification parameters — a password, a tied phone number and email. Therefore, the Popular Front proposes to temporarily block the account on the public services portal while changing at least two identification parameters with the possibility of subsequent unlocking at the MFC. Another measure is an automatic notification of banks by the EPGU on the fact of the change of several identifiers in the citizen’s personal account and the risk of financial fraud.
Source: Press Service of the Popular Front in Crimea
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