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In Alushta, Kerch and Feodosia it is planned to reconstruct about 3 km of water supply networks

In Alushta, Kerch and Feodosia it is planned to reconstruct about 3 km of water supply networks

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, listed projects that provide for the renewal of the communal infrastructure in the republic.

Thus, among the most significant projects is the development of 15 wells and the construction of more than 17 km of supply water pipelines from groundwater intakes in the Simferopol and Saksky districts. «In addition, major repairs are planned for a section of the water pipeline in Yevpatoriya, as well as the development of a project and the start of construction of the Foros sewage treatment plant»— the press service quotes the Head of Crimea.

Additionally, it is planned to reconstruct more than 3 km of water supply networks in Alushta, Kerch and Feodosia, over 6 km of wastewater disposal networks and 7 heat supply sources with conversion to natural gas in Kerch, Strogonovka, Perevalnoye and Lozovoye in the Simferopol region.

Sergey Aksyonov emphasized that the renewal of public utility infrastructure, construction and reconstruction of water supply facilities is the most important priority of the Government of the Republic of Crimea.

source: Management information And press services Chapters Republics Crimea

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