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In conditions of personnel shortage, Crimean employers do not practice selection based on zodiac signs

In conditions of personnel shortage, Crimean employers do not practice selection based on zodiac signs

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Recently, serious passions have flared up on the Internet around stories about HR tarot readers who allegedly take part in recruiting. Representatives of the companies deny this, however, it seems that the state will soon begin regulating this area: a bill banning advertising of tarot reading services, plan to submit it to the State Duma. In a service survey SuperJob Representatives of companies and economically active residents from Crimea took part.

HR managers deny any speculation that they use astrological knowledge in selection: today, given the shortage of personnel, no one wants to throw away applicants. It is possible to talk about business interest in unconventional practices only with a certain amount of irony: people who believe in such things are found among different segments of the population, including among managers and owners of companies. The appearance of vacancies for full-time tarologists, numerologists, and astrologers is often nothing more than guerrilla marketing — a way to attract attention to a company with minimal advertising costs, — noted in the press service of the service.

As for applicants, only 8% of Crimean residents believe magicians, 16% believe astrologers. For comparison, 66% of economically active citizens trust weather forecasts.

Women are more likely to believe in magic and stars than men; residents of Crimea are also more likely to call themselves superstitious. Respondents under 34 years of age are less likely to believe fortune-tellers and more likely to believe horoscopes. Among Crimean residents over 45 years of age, there are more people who admitted to superstitions. Those who earn more are the most skeptical about alternative sciences.

Dates: October 6 – November 5, 2024

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