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In Crimea, 11 people will go to a colony — they organized a gambling business

In Crimea, 11 people will go to a colony — they organized a gambling business

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Kiev District Court of the city of Simferopol issued a verdict in a criminal case against 11 residents of the region for organizing gaming dens, the press service of the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Crimea told reporters.

The court, taking into account the position of the state prosecutor, sentenced the three defendants to 7 years 2 months, 7 years 6 months and 9 years of imprisonment with sentences to be served in a maximum security correctional colony and fines totaling 600 thousand rubles. The remaining defendants were given various terms of imprisonment from 3 years to 3 years 6 months suspended with probation and fines.the message says.

The court established that one of the defendants created and led a criminal community and attracted 30 more people to participate in his illegal actions. It is noted that from mid-2021, the defendants, knowing that gambling was prohibited in the region, placed equipment in six premises in Simferopol, Kerch and Yalta, in which they organized gambling.

The criminal activities of the accomplices were identified and suppressed during special measures by employees of the republican departments of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, gaming equipment was seized from illegal circulation.

As a result of their criminal activities, income amounted to more than 70 million rubles. The report says that previously 10 more members of the criminal community were convicted, and a criminal case against the remaining members of the criminal community is under consideration.

also in Telegram channel The Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the region states that the organizer of the criminal activity was a resident of the Kemerovo region.

source: TASS

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