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In Crimea, 42% of remote workers asked to work remotely themselves

In Crimea, 42% of remote workers asked to work remotely themselves

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Saving company costs and guarantees of maintaining labor efficiency are working arguments for switching to remote work. In a service survey SuperJob Representatives of the economically active population, working remotely or in a hybrid mode, took part.

The transition to remote work or a hybrid schedule is more often initiated by employees themselves (42%), and women are more active in taking the initiative (45% versus 40% among men).

How did they manage to achieve remote transfer? Some of the situations are clearly about authority in the company and good relations with management: 22% once simply presented their boss with a fait accompli (“I started working from home — that’s all”). 12% told their manager that they feel more comfortable remotely.

In general, the most frequently used argument is the long journey and travel prices (15%). Employees consider it to be working, but, in fact, for business this is not an argument at all: the management simply goes along with those who have proven themselves well.

11% of Crimeans talked about saving company expenses (on renting office space, buying a PC, etc.). 9% guaranteed maintaining or even increasing operational efficiency. Every twentieth person agreed to a salary reduction. Another 5% each asked for remote work as compensation for an irregular schedule or said that their daily presence in the office was not necessary. 4% each referred to age and/or health status, experience of working remotely, 3% — to family circumstances, their professionalism and organization. 2% of respondents admitted that they achieved a transfer to remote work through the threat of dismissal.

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Dates: May 3—21, 2024

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