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In Crimea, 7 out of 10 employers are confident that good external data can help build a career

In Crimea, 7 out of 10 employers are confident that good external data can help build a career

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Most city dwellers consider attractive appearance a serious advantage when finding employment and building a career. Employers confirm this. Representatives of companies and economically active citizens from Crimea took part in the survey of the service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob.

It’s more pleasant to look at a handsome person, the mood of everyone present (both employees and clients) is lifted,” — 71% of employer representatives are confident that good external data, all other things being equal, can help an applicant in getting a job and getting promoted. On a scale from 0 to 10, recruiters rated the degree of influence of beauty on employment and career at an average of 4.2 points,” noted the service’s press service.

“Beautiful people always get more money than less attractive people,” 69% of economically active city residents are also sure. Moreover, respondents over 34 years of age are more likely than those who are younger (74 and 64%, respectively).

Dates: December 14, 2023 – January 9, 2024

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