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In Crimea, a granddaughter stole her grandmother’s pension. I went to the colony to think about my behavior

In Crimea, a granddaughter stole her grandmother’s pension. I went to the colony to think about my behavior

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The verdict in which a resident of Dzhankoy was found guilty of stealing funds from her grandmother’s bank account has entered into legal force. According to the verdict of the court of first instance, a Crimean woman, born in 1988, using her grandmother’s phone number, transferred small sums from a bank account opened in her grandmother’s name, totaling 10,000 rubles. The convict transferred money to her friend to pay off a previously taken out debt.

At the trial court hearing, the defendant admitted her guilt and repented of her actions. She fully returned the stolen amount to her grandmother and assured the court that this would not happen again. In turn, the elderly woman explained that she had no claims of a material or other nature and asked the court to impose a less severe punishment.

When imposing the punishment, the court took into account a number of mitigating circumstances. In this case, the court recognized recidivism as an aggravating circumstance. Since the woman had previously been repeatedly convicted of serious crimes and received actual imprisonment.

Having found the woman guilty of theft (clause “g” of Part 3 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the Dzhankoy District Court of the Republic of Crimea sentenced her to 2 years and 5 months of imprisonment. The unserved part of the sentence imposed by the court was added to the sentence imposed by the same court, decided in October 2023 in relation to the convict, according to which she had previously been convicted of committing the same theft of money from the same grandmother. The final punishment, based on the totality of sentences, was 2 years 11 months of imprisonment in a general regime correctional colony— reported the press service of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea.

Having disagreed with the decision of the court of first instance, the convict filed an appeal with a demand to mitigate the sentence imposed on her. When considering a criminal case on appeal, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea, having studied the case materials and listened to the arguments of the parties, commuted the final sentence imposed on the convicted person to 2 years 10 months of imprisonment, recognizing the unsatisfactory state of her health as a mitigating circumstance. The verdict came into force.

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